Chapter 41 In the play After

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 Putting on makeup and styling, and after the staff and other actors had dinner, Arimori Hideichi walked into the set of the last scene in the voice of Akira Kurosaki's greeting.

  In the flickering candlelight, in the thin lighting. In this quiet ancient temple, the shooting of the finale of the whole drama is about to start.

  Just, why are there so many people watching?

  Those ordinary tourists are nothing more than that, why are the actors who can leave long after completing their respective tasks, sitting in their seats and looking in this direction?

  Were they so curious about the filming process of this last scene?

  Shaking his head, not knowing what to say, Arimori Hideichi tugged on his tattered costume that was stained with bright red liquid. He glanced at the wounds drawn by the special effects makeup artist on his arms and chest. Just when he bent down to sit down, he saw Toma Nakata walking slowly behind Akira Kurosaki with his upper body bare.

  "Director Kurosaki, Nakata-mae..."

  "Senior! The wounds on your arms and waist are really terrifying!?" As soon as the fifty-year-old man walked over, his greeting was only halfway through, and the rest Before he had time to say it, he was directly cut off by the hideous wound that appeared in the sight range.

  Look at the crack from the side ribs to the front of the abdomen, and look at the blood hole the size of a dragon's eye on the right elbow. The valgus skin and the deep pit where the bones can be seen really make the scalp tingle and goosebumps all over the person who sees it.

  "My wound? Haha, your body is not much better."

  Nakata Touma heard the boy finish speaking, went straight to him and pulled his hands on the horrible scar, forcing the child in front of him. His countenance changed.

  Accompanied by a low laugh, he squatted down and grabbed the boy's clothes, and then gently slid his fingertips around the sword wound on the exposed chest.

  ", can you be more serious."

  "Serious? Ranmaru, are you questioning your lord?" "It's alright, Touma, if you keep on touching like this, I'll have to settle accounts with you for this kid's messy makeup."

       Noticing a lot of concentration of eyes, Akira Kurosaki's decisive voice stopped the two guys who were cultivating their relationship.

  He just didn't understand, Touma Nakata was obviously not like this usually, why he was as excited as if he had taken the wrong medicine today was surprising.

  It's okay to be out of line in words, but the actions just now are really a bit...

  Sighing silently in my heart, the old man who decided to start shooting as soon as possible glanced at the two people who were accumulating emotions in the set.

 After casually calling a staff member in charge of prop arrangement and asking in a low voice, he turned around and explained the rest of the things that need attention to Arimori Hideichi.

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