Chapter 26 Anna Sui's Temptation

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  Anna Sui?

       Arimori Hideichi sat cross-legged in front of the low table, using the chopsticks in his hand to gently poke at the alluring sea bream sashimi in front of him, but he couldn't even whet his appetite.

  It's not that he's not hungry, it's entirely because the gift that Akira Kurosaki said just now affected him.

  What is Anna Sui, absolutely the first-line big brand.

  Although the products are only aimed at female consumers, whether it is its clothing or cosmetics of different categories, they are all hot-selling products with considerable market appeal.

  The price is not the most expensive, that is, it fluctuates between 8,000 yen and 10,000 yen. Compared with those famous luxury brands, there is still a certain gap. But even so, how could it be possible for such a big-name commercial audition to be given by a director?

  It's not that he underestimated their directors, it's just that this kind of thing couldn't happen at all.

  Sighing, he casually picked up a piece of almost transparent fish meat from the plate, and looked through it at the colorful light refracted around him. Mori Hideichi just stared at the front in a daze, and sat there quietly, not eating or talking.

  Two days later, go to the Tokyo branch for an audition?

  In terms of timing alone, it was just right...

  Shaking his head and putting down the chopsticks again, he was just about to leave the room where the actors were dining and take a breath outside, when he saw the person who brought the news to him, the old man walked over from the other side with his round belly.

  "Hey, little guy. You look like you're not hungry at all."

  As soon as he walked over, Akira Kurosaki noticed the untouched food in front of the boy.

  Seemingly casually, he glanced at the platter that was missing one or two slices, and then looked at the expression on the little guy's face that you knew the reason and you knew the reason.

 He just lowered his body, crossed his legs, and sat down in front of others with a cheerful smile on purpose.

  "I didn't expect it, old man, I really didn't expect it."

  "I always thought that a guy who can be seen by Takarada Raleigh should have a lot of courage, but I just met an exception like you."

  "You've already filmed the nude scene, what else is there to think about such a trivial matter? Don't you think that anyone can meet such a good opportunity?"

  Great opportunity?

  Maybe... it's really a good opportunity.

  Akira Kurosaki couldn't understand the boy's soliloquy.

  In his view, the opportunities in this circle are simply too numerous to count. Although most opportunities can only be obtained by relying on one's own efforts, there are also many that will appear in front of you inexplicably and come to you.

  Just like this time, it was obvious that he had no relationship with that company. But when he didn't think of him, he called him and asked him to recommend a young actor who met the standards to participate in the audition for the commercial.

  What are the requirements?

  Simple, clean, with outstanding temperament, of course, the appearance must pass the test. However, regardless of what the other party thinks about it, is there anyone else besides Arimori Hideichi who he just met in terms of the previous requirements?

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