Chapter 19 Bold

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  In early spring in Japan, the temperature may still be a bit cold for human beings. But for those plants, it's already time for them to rejuvenate and show their most beautiful side to the world.

  At 9:30 in the morning, accompanied by the beeping electronic alarm clock beside the bed, accompanied by the fresh air mixed with a slight fragrance, Hideichi Arimori slowly opened his eyes and woke up from his sleep .

  A good night's sleep not only relieved him of the fatigue from the previous day, but also brought him a relaxed and energetic mood.

  He turned over from the bed and sat up, stretched his waist and moved his body a little bit. While unbuttoning his pajamas, he walked to the window where the fragrance of flowers was faintly coming from.

  Opening the window and looking down, it turned out that several cherry trees in the garden downstairs were in bloom. That piece of pink with red and white with green color makes people feel a lot more relaxed when they look at it like this.

  Don't think that because he has a lively personality, he won't have troubles.

  Although the filming of the TV series the day before went smoothly, his nerves were still tense.

  It seemed wonderful to go through all the scenes that day, but what followed was sensitivity and pressure that no one could imagine.

  The director is satisfied, and the seniors are also satisfied.

  Obviously everything has been done perfectly, why is his heart still so restless? It was as if there was always a feeling in his head that something was starting to develop in a direction beyond his control.

  The audience's reaction after your part was broadcast?

  Come on, that's not at all something to worry about these days.

  Not to mention the time of editing and post-production, do you think all the scenes he filmed yesterday will be aired in one episode? Of course it is impossible.

  The shooting of TV dramas is usually divided into interior scenes and exterior scenes.

  In order to save time and cost, when shooting interior scenes, the director and actors usually shoot the same scene at one time, so as to avoid wasting manpower and money.

  As for the exterior scenes? The approach is naturally similar.

  They are all in the same scene, and all the scenes are shot at one time. It seems a little troublesome, but the remaining time and funds are what the TV station and sponsors are most willing to see.

  The plots shot by Hideichi Mori yesterday, if there is no accident, may be mixed in the TV series in the next few days, inserted as memories, and appear in front of the audience watching this TV series.

  After these preliminary foreshadowings and the role he played is recognized by most of the audience, the subsequent plot will be changed accordingly.

  This is exactly what director Akira Kurosaki said - how much he plays depends entirely on his own performance!

  Knowing this in his heart, Hideichi Arimori will do his best in his work to express his role to the fullest.

  Not for anything else!

  It's just to increase his chances of appearing in this drama, and to increase the audience's awareness of him as a person who sits in front of the TV and watches this TV series.

  In this world, where is there any good thing that can reach the sky in one step. A solid foundation, a solid foundation that is difficult for any character to shake is his primary goal now.

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