Chapter 8 Opportunity

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  Takada Raleigh, an eternal legend in the entertainment industry.

  The energy and meaning of this name, whether in Japan or abroad, are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

  Founding LME single-handedly, turning this unknown small company into a leading large group in China in just a few decades, this ability and courage really have to be admired.

  His wrists reach the sky and his connections are extensive.

  It can be said that as long as it is related to the entertainment industry, there is nothing he cannot do. It's just that no one is perfect, he has many advantages, but also has many disadvantages.

  One of the most well-known problems is the one in front of me - cross-dressing!

  This habit of suddenly changing his attire anytime, anywhere on a whim every day is really unacceptable to those who know him.

  Just think about it, if your friends were with you, they were dressed normally a second ago, but in the blink of an eye they suddenly give you a cosplay transformation.

  What kind of zombies, mummies, vampires and so on are just trifles, and such unreasonable things as elephants and camels can be made by him.

  That kind of thrilling and dumbfounding scene really couldn't frighten him no matter how many hearts he had.

  "Fujibei, how is the layout of the room outside?"

  "My lord, please don't worry, we has already specially arranged for the manpower to decorate. I believe they should have completed all of them by this time."

   As if traveling through time and space to return to the room of the Warring States Period, Takenori Takeshi was wearing a neat suit and kept wiping the cold sweat from his forehead. The corners of the mouth twitched and the eyes were dull, kneeling in front of the low table, watching the speechless scenes that were unfolding not far away.

  The samurai uniform on his body, the knife hanging by his side, and the waiter who was kneeling behind him and tied his hair up into the sky...

  Please, my President Takarada! You called the little one over early in the morning, do you want me to see your current attire?

  It's not that I don't know how to appreciate it, it's that your changing style every day is too confusing. Why do the company's operating expenses remain high every quarter? And not because of your unique and legendary flaw.

  I don't know how to describe it, but the man who could only endure silently stuffed the wet handkerchief into his bosom, forced himself to pick up the teacup on the table in front of him without even looking at it, and drank it down with a flick of his wrist.

  The next second, 'Pfft! 'The sound came. Poor Takenori. Takenori square face was flushed red, coughing violently and spitting out what he just drank.

  "Cough cough cough! President...President, how could there be wine in the teacup?!"

  He was unwilling, wasn't he just careless? Why is it so negligent, and he was designed again. How many times is this today? Woohoo, why is his life so miserable? !

  "Mr. Takeshi, why did you call me just now? Also, are you dissatisfied with the banquet I prepared?

  "The reason for the violent reaction is simply to express admiration for your idea of ​​putting wine in your teacup."

  "How can ordinary people come up with such an idea full of infinite surprises. The villain's admiration for you is simply like Fuji. The snow on the top of the mountain will never melt."

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