Chapter 70 Wine Red (2) + Link

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 Is this a kiss? !

 This, this doesn't look like Ren Tsuruga can do anything.

 The soft touch on his lips made Hideichi Arimori feel a loud bang in his head. When he came back to his senses, he realized that the man who kissed him had straightened up and walked away.

 Only then did he understand the true meaning of what this person said in his ear before he was kissed.

 'Hideichi, since we are not sure about our feelings. Then...'

 'Let's find it together. '


 Look for?

 It turns out that this time I just decided to try it.

 Watching the man walking away from him, he took a sip from his wine glass, pursed his lips and thought. Hideichi Arimori was unexpectedly calm, and unexpectedly did not feel unwilling to accept his previous actions.

 Just search, it's better than staying where you are.

 Anyway, one of them is emotionally slow and the other is cautious. It would be really strange if you could easily reach the destination and be sure of it immediately.

 "Ren, what are you thinking about?"

 When he found that the other party put his fingers on his lips and closed his eyes together, Hideichi Arimori chuckled and leaned against the window, admiring this rare scene.

 The acting master is emotionally confused and trapped?

 Haha, you see, he has already thought of the title for this guy.

 "...What am I thinking about?"

 He put down the fingers on his lips, opened his eyes and looked at the young man looking at him. Tsurugaren looked calm and shook his head, speaking in a gentle voice without any fluctuation.

 "Hideichi, I was just thinking about what was so special about that kiss."

 "Except for the strange feeling in my heart at the beginning, after I actually touched it, I felt that it was not much different from those actresses when they were filming."

 "It's just lips touching lips. It doesn't look any different..."

 Tsurugaren muttered to himself, and he couldn't figure out his current mood. The reason why he kissed him just now was partly because of impulse, and partly because of desire. Determine your mood.

 He has always been slow about feelings, and he has never had any experience in this area at this age.

 The female artist hinted that it was not that he had never been invited by ladies, but those things seemed to be missing something compared to the current one.

 It's not necessary, it doesn't matter if you have it. It's not like when he meets this child, he will feel impulsive and want to know more about him.

 Passion and initiative?

 Oh, how long has it been since he experienced something like this?

 Pressing down on the strange feeling in my heart, I walked to the window and looked at the vast beach not far away as the sea rose and fell. Although the distance is far away, the sound of the cascading waves can still be heard standing here.

 Spending more than 200,000 yen to book a suite in this seven-star hotel? Did he really just want to find a chance to be alone with this child?

 "Hideichi, it's just after eight o'clock now, why don't we go for a walk on the beach outside."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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