Chapter 11 Shooting

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  According to historical records, Mori Ranmaru's father, Mori Kasei, should have been only six years old when his father died.

 However, it is obviously inappropriate for such a young age to appear in such a big production.

  Let's not talk about whether those young actors can perform that feeling, even if they can perform in the end, the delay may be too long.

  Shoot one episode and broadcast one episode, don't look at the fact that NHK still has two or three episodes on hand as a buffer. But if he wasted any more time, he would definitely fall behind and become the laughing stock of other colleagues.

  Akira Kurosaki knew this, so he deliberately set the age of the character Mori Ranmaru a little older. Twelve years old is less than thirteen years old, which is the period before the minor has not become Oda Nobunaga's surname.


  He is not afraid of those boring guys who are looking for trouble!

  The whole play is set in the Warring States Period as a good background, but many plots are adapted from unofficial history.

 Although it is not rigorous in terms of historical development, as long as the audience likes to watch the ratings go up, he will kill those few people.

  In front of the gate of the official courtyard, there is a rough black dirt road, coupled with old and new houses of different heights on both sides of the road. This is where the first scene of Hideichi Arimori was filmed.

  Amidst the buzzing sound, the snow machine placed on a high place kept scattering a large amount of snowflakes on the field. Kurosaki obviously stood there impatiently, walking back and forth, looking up at the set from time to time, and measuring the thickness of the snow on the road with his fingers.

 It wasn't until the height of the snow covered his index finger that he yelled to stop, and asked the staff to reduce the power of the snow machine to the normal level, maintaining the state of snowflakes falling continuously.

  "That bastard in Raleigh thinks very highly of you. Hmph, let the old man check it out for him." Staring at the boy standing under the eaves for a while, he saw that he had been tightly closed.

        He didn't know what he was thinking about with his eyes, Kurosaki stroked his beard and snorted softly, then turned his head and gave some instructions to the assistant standing beside him.

  "Attention the props and scenery team. Shooting will start in fifteen minutes. Please deal with the environment of the venue immediately."

  Following the assistant's words, a dozen tall and burly male staff members pulled carts and stepped on snow. , helping several actors who will be playing against Arimori Hideichi get into the bullock cart, and in just a few minutes, the environment of the whole venue was changed to look like someone occasionally walked by in the snow.

  After all the staff had finished their work and retreated, Akira Kurosaki, who was sitting on the director's seat, nodded in satisfaction at the scenery shown on the screen, and announced with a wave of his arm that the filming of this scene had officially started.

  "Scene 473 of "Warring States", Snow."


  The voice fell, and the studio, which was still a little noisy a second ago, was so quiet for a moment that it was scary.

  In the huge scene, there are only a few sounds produced by the operation of the machine. Those who have something to do don't need to say much, and those who have nothing to do also gather around the set, holding their breath and carefully watching the progress of this newly added plot.

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