Chapter 59 The master

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  Is a heartthrob?

  How can it be! ?

  He has Hideichi Arimori who will not be so arrogant that he thinks that his charm is so high.

  How to describe the current situation?

  Takarada Raleigh and Takenori Takeshi dote on him because of his talent. Directors and companies who have worked with him like him because of his outstanding acting skills and outstanding work efficiency.

 Although the support of the audience and the popularity of FANS are due to his own efforts, the more reason is just the company's clever promotion and publicity methods.

  Just imagine, without these external conditions, would he still get the current results?

  Hum hum hum, if the previous assumptions are true, he is probably still the rich kid with a relatively outstanding appearance!

  After staying in this industry for more than a month, he finally understood how difficult it was to get into the entertainment industry.

  The pressure of the company, the pressure of work, all kinds of gossip and gossip.

  It would be better if you were careless and careless, and laughed off all kinds of difficulties as a tonic. If you really remember it in your heart, or if you can't tell how much you weigh because of a few achievements, then in this industry that changes very quickly, there will only be a few days left before your demise.

  If you want to succeed, you must be professional and obedient! You must not stick your tail up and look down on others just because of a little success.

  From the moment he officially started working until now, he has always been courteous and thoughtful and strived to leave a good impression on everyone. Why? Don’t you want to make good friends with others and gain a good reputation so that you can be more open-minded along the way?

  Treat the staff the same way, and treat the FANS the same way.

  But...but! He really couldn't help but want to kick out all the guys watching the excitement around the set today!


  He is very grateful to those people for their support.

  But, can he please ask them! Don't let what you say casually rise to the level of a personal attack, okay? !

  "Hey, hey, did you see just now that that guy can't even hold a knife and fork! I don't know how she has the nerve to sit with His Highness Hideichi and act together?!"

     "Yes, yes, all the NGs in front are also It's because of her! If it weren't for her mistake, we might have gotten His Highness's signature long ago."

       Although the discussion one after another was not loud, it was difficult to hear clearly in this closed indoor environment. It disaster.

  This is the school cafeteria, and what is being filmed offsite is a scene in which Arimori Hideichi and Mogami Kyoko have a meal.

  To be honest, this set of shots actually doesn’t mean much.

  Apart from a few lines of dialogue, there are only some simple body movements and expressions left. It should be done once and for all, right? But the fact is that there were a lot of shocking surprises during the filming.

  Mogami Kyoko held the knife and fork backwards, Mogami Kyoko acted like an idiot and kept staring at the person opposite. It was obviously just a plot of less than five minutes, but it was NGed five or six times because of her.

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