Chapter 61 I Want to Cry Without Tears (Complete)

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  An artist’s job is to bring joy to all audiences through his or her works.

  Although it is tiring and hard sometimes, you just have to devote yourself to it. The speed at which time passes is usually almost imperceptible.

  I guest-starred in a few episodes of a TV series invested by the company, filmed two or three commercials, and went to NHK to record an exclusive interview. In the four days since I was separated from Nakata Touma, it was really smooth sailing and nothing happened.

  Every day, I travel endlessly between the company, the crew, and my home. I either work hard or fall into bed to rest.

  To be honest, this kind of stable life can feel quite boring sometimes.


  "Huh? What's wrong,

  Mr. Ken?" Sitting in his seat and letting the stylist work on his face, Hideichi Arimori slowly opened his eyes when he heard his manager's call, and reflected in the mirror. The scene that came out turned his attention to the man standing behind him holding a notepad in his hand.

  They have been a happy couple ever since they started working together.

  Although this person does not follow him all day like other economic people, Hideichi Mori is not a child who needs adults to watch everything.

  Isn’t it just work?

  Altogether, I have lived two lifetimes. If I can't do it alone, it would really be unreasonable.

  "Hideichi, I took a look at your schedule yesterday. For the movie "Misty Forest", all your scenes will be shot in two days. Although the company has certain arrangements for your next work, I  think it’s better to listen to your opinion first.”

  My opinion?

  It seems so...

  Once the filming of this movie is completed, the only remaining schedule on the schedule will basically be advertising and interviews. Although these things are equally important, as an actor, how could he put the focus of his work on these insignificant things.

  It’s just... will you participate in a TV series or a movie next?

  This kind of problem is really troublesome.

  His fingers played with the hair hanging by his ears, and the titles of one script after another flashed through his mind. Although he had received many invitations from film crews before, to be honest, he didn't even get one that he was satisfied with.

  The roles assigned to him by directors were either pretty boys or simple roles with little challenge. To be honest, it is really impossible for him to spend time on those mediocre scripts.


  he would write one himself?

  This idea suddenly popped up in his mind, and Hideichi Arimori was instantly moved.

  After thinking about it carefully, he had to admit that this method might be the best at present.

  He is familiar with his own strengths and weaknesses, and he has a lot of TV shows and movies in his mind that have not appeared in this world. It is so easy to find a suitable work for yourself, but why am I so hesitant and undecided for a long time?

  What was he hesitating about?

  "Hideichi, you..."

  "Hey, hey, everyone! Absolutely big news!"

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