Chapter 16 First meeting

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  Seniority ranking has a long history in Japan.

  From schools to companies, in various positions in various industries, the experienced and relatively older person will always receive more respect.

  Regardless of whether this kind of rule is good or bad, since when it was handed down, it has been inherited by the world after so long, at least it proves that its existence still has a certain reason.

  After tidying up his belongings and walking out of the gate of NHK, Hideichi Arimori stood on the side of the road looking at the text message he had just received.


  After notifying that someone wanted to see him, the man rushed out without even thinking about it. What did you do? Of course, I went to accompany that person first.

  Don't know the address? It's not easy. What is the text message for? No, he just walked out of the TV station, and the detailed address and clearly described coordinates were sent to him.

  Now at this time, in the middle of the night. There were not many people to be seen on the street. Fortunately, the place to go was not far away, just cross two streets and turn a corner. If he was asked to go to a place far away to meet that person, he would not be very interested.

  Wrapped in the clothes that wrapped her body, put his hands in his pockets and trotted across the road all the way, breathing a breath visible to the naked eye from his mouth and nose, and drove for five minutes. In a blink of an eye, a brightly lit and high-end coffee shop appeared in his line of sight.

  "Mori, you are finally here."

  As soon as he stopped at the door of the store, Takenori voice full of energy and vitality came over.

  As soon as the door opened, a man rushed to the young man quickly, checked him carefully, and found that there was no disrespect in his attire, then he grabbed the young man's arm and waited for the waiter to open the shop door. walked in.


  "Mr. Takeshi, you should call me by my name directly. When you talk to me, you always add an honorific name after it. It feels really strange."

  "Hehe, that's good, then I will call your name directly from now on."

  The man led the boy towards the direction of the box, patted his shoulder with a smile and continued.

  "Hideichi, the person we are going to meet this time is the top existence in our LME male artist department. Although he has not yet made his mark in the world, but in Japan..."

        "There are really not many artists who can compare with him!"

  So powerful?

  Arimori Hideichi, who just had this kind of thought in his mind, felt something was wrong when he was following Owen Takenori. He thought carefully in his heart, and suddenly had a strong premonition. I have a hunch that in the words I heard just now, the person who said it is-- Tsuruga Ren!

  Whether it is the stories I have known before, or the facts I have seen with my own eyes in this life. He is the only man who can be called popular, popular, and powerful in LME.

  However, how could such a person have the spare time to care about such a small role as himself?

  "Mr. Takenori, what happened to that senior..."

  Before he could finish his question, the man who was leading the way suddenly stopped, and his voice was deliberately lowered.

  "Hideichi, we're here."

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