Chapter 13 Veteran actors

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  Entering the entertainment circle to become an actor can be good or bad.

  On the one hand, of course, you can get money and praise by virtue of your own efforts and acting skills.

  On the other hand, once you enter this industry and start working formally, your work and rest time and various normal needs of your body are no longer something that you can personally control.

  Take eating as an example. In the past, eat when you are hungry and eat when you want to eat.

  But now? Want to fill your stomach without waiting for the director's order to notify the scene manager to serve the meal? Do your dreams and go you.

  At this moment, Arimori Hideichi felt that he was very tragic. He hadn't eaten anything since morning. From the start of filming to this time, more than six hours have passed, and to be honest, he has long been too hungry.

  Clutching his empty stomach, drinking water and being afraid of ruining his stomach, he could only sit there stupidly, staring at that so-called idol who was half red but not purple. The shooting time continued to drag on.

  Well, he can't ask everyone to be like him.

  But please help that guy who seems to be somewhat famous, okay? Could it be that he didn't feel the murderous intent of the staff around him who wanted to tear him apart and eat him to pieces?

  Compared with him, this person is simply another extreme. He himself shoots more than a dozen scenes and passes them at one time.

  This guy is good, as if the person who was stopped was not him at all. After shooting for so long and NGing so many times, I still have a hippie smile and a nonchalant look, which really makes my teeth itch.

  Akira Kurosaki?

  Is there any need to talk about the face of their director? How black the bottom of the pot is, the color of his face is so wonderful.

  Anger is probably not enough to describe his mood at this time, the script in his hands can be seen from far away being twisted into shape, not to mention his body trembling because of anger.

  "Pull away! Hurry up, some people, and take this idiot with no professional ethics away!"

  With a crisp 'snap', the old man slapped the notebook in his hand to the ground forcefully.

  "Guest star?! In this drama of mine, do I still need to find this kind of guy who doesn't know how to act as a guest star?!"

      "Where's the guy from NHK who sent him here? I want to ask him. What kind of idea is this guy pushing in to delay my progress!"

  Akira Kurosaki was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

  Dropping the things in his hands was obviously not enough to relieve his anger. This chubby old man in his sixties even threw away all the things that could be dropped around the director's seat.

  The loud yelling and cursing can no longer be described as bitter and mean, and the three generations of ancestors were brought in by him without the slightest demeanor, which can be regarded as a real eye-opening for Hideichi Arimori.

  I always thought that this kind of shrew-like swearing would only happen to middle-aged women with a vicious personality. Why is this old man of his age exploding like a powder keg.

  Such a scene is really confusing to the point of being funny.

  Sitting in the seat, watching the field manager, assistants, and surrounding the old man trying to persuade him to calm down. Needless to say, the guy who touched the mold? Of course, the staff who had been suffocated for a long time picked it up and threw it out.

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