Chapter 48 Really making

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  'love', what is it?

  Is it a need, a proof, or...

  just a spice to a boring life?

  We all know that this kind of emotion is illusory and unreal, but why are so many people still yearning for it and pursuing it?

  Isn't it good to live alone?

  Why do you have to find someone to accompany you, why do you have to find someone to accompany you through this life?

  'Wow! 'In the crisp sound, in the scattered glass shards.

  Tsurugaren's aura suddenly shrank, and in the next moment, a completely different feeling from before appeared on him.

  He, is he still?

  No, it's not!

  Although the appearance of this man in front of him is the same, but the kind of arrogance that exudes, so wanton as if he is the only one in the world, is another person at all.

 Those sharp eyes, that contemptuous smile on the corner of the mouth. Under this situation, people really have to sigh at how quickly he changes roles.

  Just like that, in the eyes of everyone on and off the stage, this man suddenly seemed like a different person. He took off his water-soaked suit and pushed back his black hair. With an interesting light flashing in his eyes, he slowly stood up from his seat.

  "Miss Mogami, my 'love' is very simple and clear. Compared with Miss Kotonami, the person I 'love' is more suitable for me." While saying these words, he walking around the seat, he walked behind Arimori Hideichi. Before the man in the seat had time to get up, accompanied by the exclamations from the backstage and the judges' bench, he leaned down and used his arms to completely suppress the young man in the seat, and put his cheek against his ear.

  "...Lian, what...are you going to do?"

  "What am I going to do?"

  He snorted casually and gave the pair of girls not far away a disdainful look. The man who was called by someone seemed to be completely unable to feel the resentment of the young man beneath him. A pair of palms ran along his slender neck, go down.

  "Hideichi, have you forgotten what I said to you at noon?" "


  "I told you, I - I want to kiss you."

  Damn bastard! The bloody bastard! He knew that this guy had no good intentions! Saying love is very simple, saying love is very clear! You kid is going to suppress others, why are you here to suppress me? !

  Hideichi Arimori, who was pinned down in his seat and lost the ability to move, could only express his current mood with his eyes except for cursing in his heart.

  Just scold it?

  Please, Kyoko Mogami's test is not over yet!

  Also, can't you see it! The guy talking nonsense on his shoulder has obviously entered the role, and he doesn't know which script, TV show or movie to start acting out.

  kiss him?

  Could it be that it was the script that Takenori mentioned at noon?

  Do not do this! He didn't want to be held down and kissed by this man under such unclear circumstances.

  "Lian, Lian. I said, can you calm down first? Isn't it just that someone poured a glass of water on you? If you are unhappy, just throw it back. There is no need to be like this..."

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