Chapter 57 Advice

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  After saying what needed to be said to Ren Tsuruga, Kurosaki Akira waved his hand very simply and asked him to go to the assistant director to reshoot some minor scenes.

  As for himself...


  Of course, you have to finish today's plot of Hideichi Arimori first, then you may have time to consider other things. There is no way, who knows that today's popular stars are no longer what they used to be, and they need to constantly travel between several crews.

  Fortunately, this movie is an art film, so it was not difficult to shoot and it didn't take much time. If it were a big-scale production with constant big scenes, his old man would be in big trouble.

  So, fortunately, "Misty Forest" does not have exaggerated explosion scenes. Fortunately, "Misty Forest" does not require a lot of money-burning time for stunt support.

  From the beginning to the end of the movie, it can be said that only a few leading actors are needed to support the whole story with their acting skills! However, even for such a small request, some people could not even do it for him!

  Ren Tsuruga's steady and explosive performance, let alone Hideichi Arimori's amazing talent and strength.

  If the guy I wanted wasn't too busy and couldn't find time, how could the last remaining important role fall on that self-respecting Douma Hirata!

  Want to defeat Ren Tsuruga and avenge his shame?

  You kid, it’s better to stop talking big words and work hard to finish filming today’s scene before talking about it!

  "Is that guy Hirata Douma here? Don't you know that everyone is waiting for him?!" Putting aside his worries, he noticed the boy who had changed his clothes and made his appearance and was already standing in the next scene. Akira Kurosaki deliberately turned his head to the side, pretending not to see someone, and shouted several times to his assistant.

  Crossing your legs, sitting leisurely in the rest area drinking tea, right?

  If you, this guy, hold me back later, don’t blame him for being rude!

  Seeing the assistant quickly running to the rest area and bringing the guy who didn't seem to hear him yelling and cursing from his seat into the set, Kurosaki Akira waved to the person in charge of the lighting team and whispered a few instructions, then checked carefully. After no problems were found in the layout of the scene, he raised his right hand and announced that the filming of this scene had officially begun.

  The boy who was struggling to fall in love with his brother, the heir of a rival family, came here specifically to express his feelings for his brother. It was this scene that seemed simple, but actually contained many explosive points - the plot began.

  "The 467th Scene of "The Forest of Mist", 'Dispute'."


  As the script was written and the shooting session officially began, a young man with a thin figure and a pale face without any trace of blood appeared in the camera. Following a middle-aged man in a dark suit, with his hair fully waxed and combed back, dressed as a butler, he appeared in everyone's sight.

  "Tou...young master, the eldest young master Kazuki is upstairs. I will take you up right now. I just want to forgive you for saying a word. The eldest young master's temper has become extremely bad since the death of the master and madam. Wait a moment, If you say something unpleasant, please don't mind, young master."

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