Chapter 33 Worth

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  "Warring States" finally changed history and created an eternal legend!

  All major newspapers and periodicals, after a night of silence and deliberation, came up with this type of front-page headlines that caught the readers' attention early in the morning.

  NHK's publicity strategy?

  Although there is such a possibility, there is no doubt that the ratings of the TV series "Warring States" have become the highest in history.

  Fuji? Cherry blossoms?

  Now there is no time to care about the reactions of those two companies. NHK has made such a big achievement, and it has been a few months of publicity without fanfare. I am really sorry for the money spent before.

  Look at what these newspaper headlines are about.

  Dominate? Miracle of making history? Haha, no matter how you look at it, there is nothing wrong with these words.

  Hideichi Mori didn't know about these things that only the top executives of the TV station would think about.

  After returning home after shooting the photos the night before, he forced himself to take a shower and sleep instead of touching the computer to search for any questions about the broadcast of the TV series.

  Enduring it all night, tossing and turning all night, he finally looked forward to the Asahi Shimbun, and immediately turned on the TV and turned on the computer to get the information he wanted.

  What do the ears hear and the eyes see?

  Peak, Miracle, Unsurpassable!

  One after the other, when the words used to describe the extreme of something come out at the same time, it really makes people who see it can't help being shocked.

  Well, as one of the parties involved, he shouldn't be surprised.

  Anyway, the development of this matter is beyond his control. Instead of worrying about the development process of this matter, it is better to care about how ordinary audiences think of the role he plays.

  Waiting for the computer to start up and load the system, and when I connected to the Internet and opened the search engine to search for the three words 'Sen Ran Maru', a continuous doorbell rang suddenly.

  Listening to the continuous gestures, it is really urgent, as if the god of death is urging him to die.

  Unable to endure such torture any longer, Arimori Hideichi stood up from his seat, dragged his long, loose golden hair to the door and opened it.

  "Hideichi-kun! Hideichi-kun! News, big news!"

  The door just opened a crack, and the moment the doorbell stopped, an uncontrollable female voice followed the movement of pushing the door, revealing the body of the future man.

  Kyoko Mogami was wearing a yellow and blue sportswear, with a dark gray rucksack on her back, her long hair tied into a ponytail hanging behind her back, and she rushed in with a few newspapers in her hand.

  "Hideichi-kun! I saw it in the newspaper when I was delivering milk in the morning...Hide...Hideichi!? Your Royal Highness, Prince!" The young man in pajamas with long hair dragging behind his back screamed.

  Keep up with Mogami Kyoko's eyes shining like discovering the treasures in the world.

  That pounce, that excitement of wanting to grab something you've always dreamed of. If one of the parties hadn't held her arm first, I'm afraid they both fell to the ground and turned into gourds.   

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