Chapter 60 Confession

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  'Crack——! '

  'Boom, boom! '


  Bursts of thunder and lightning.

  While the shock made people tremble, it also cut through the dark world of violent storm outside.

  Standing in the kitchen, looking at the pouring rain outside the window. Arimori Hideichi raised the spoon in his hand to taste the fish soup, then turned around and put the thing in his hand on the plate on the dining table.

  There are so many things happening today.

  The cameo shooting lasted until one o'clock in the morning, and it even rained heavily while chatting with Touma Nakata.

  He didn’t know what he was thinking at the time! Just chat, isn't it okay to just sit in the car? ! How could he not die so far that both of them were completely drenched.

  Fortunately, it was late at night and the place was quite remote. If someone had seen that kind of embarrassment in broad daylight, he really don’t know where i would lose my face.

  He shook his head and sighed slightly. He opened the refrigerator, took out a piece of tofu, rinsed it, made a few cuts and threw it into the soup.

  By the way, the current situation is really weird.

  What was wrong with him in his mind that made him drag that man back?

  I took off his clothes and pushed him to take a shower. I just rinsed him hastily and helped him wash his clothes.

  What happens next?

  Needless to say? !

  I did his share of cooking and went downstairs in the heavy rain to buy beer for him! Plus those clothes that were just washed!

  Forget about shirts, jackets, and trousers, what the hell was he thinking, that he even washed those black boxer briefs? !


  He is quite regretful now!

  But the washing has been completed, and the drying has begun. What else can you ask him to do?

  God, God, he Shuichi Mori never thought about being a good wife and mother.

  He tapped his forehead hard and realized that the rice in the rice cooker was already steamed. He quickly put aside his thoughts, poured oil into the pot, quickly fried two dishes and brought them to the living room.

  After placing the dishes and chopsticks and other things that might be used, he looked at the clock on the wall and found that forty minutes had passed and the man hadn't finished washing yet. After he came out, he couldn't help but go to the bathroom next to the guest room and knock on the clock. He knocked on the door and asked several questions loudly.

  "Nakata-senpai, have you washed up? I've already prepared the food."

  "Me! I'll be out right away!"

  As soon as Hideichi Arimori's voice fell, there was a panicked sound in the guard's bathroom.

  The sound of something falling to the ground, the sound of the toilet being flushed. After waiting for a full five minutes, I saw the door handle in front of me click open from the inside.

  "...Hideichi, I...where are my clothes?"

  "Your clothes? Of course I've washed them for you."

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