Chapter 54 Yingxue

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  younger brother?

  Does Kazuki Nakamura care about and love his half-brother, or does he just want to make amends according to his father's last words?

  He has been weak and sick since he was a child, and he has lived with all kinds of indifference and ridicule since he was a child. But the child's strength and optimism illuminated this lifeless family like a ray of sunshine.

 His mother was a woman from an opposing family, and his birth was a shame and a joke of the family.

  But why, as the only heir of the family, he cared so much about this young and weak boy like a kitten?

  Is it the father's entrustment? Or is it his personal silent struggle against the family?

  no! None of these!

  I'm afraid only he himself knows that whenever this child appears in front of his eyes, he looks at his pale face and deliberately ignores the pain, trying to smile and try to comfort him.

  Kazuki Nakamura already knows...

  him and loves him.

  "Attention all departments! Shooting will start in five minutes."

  In Akira Kurosaki's voice breaking the silence, Ren Tsuruga suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the boy standing beside him, who was asking the stylist to make the final touches.

  The long, dry and tarnished hair, and the thin and thin body under the loose clothes. Coupled with the sunken cheeks that were shaded, the feeling in my heart couldn't help but a little heavier.

  As an elder brother, if he sees  his relatives like this, he will feel uncomfortable no matter what? Since this is the case, there is no need to worry about his pampering and love.

  "Hideichi, are you ready? If you can, let's get started."

  "Lian, you..."

  He looked at the palm stretched out in front of him, and looked at the faint expectation in the man's deep eyes. Arimori Hideichi knew that from this moment on, his story with this man began.

  All the previous encounters, whether it was the first confrontation or the last two confrontations. How can it be compared with the current situation?

  They are actors, the best actors!

  This is the battlefield, the most suitable battlefield!

  Since this is all they want! So this time, let him see how high the man in front of him, whom most actors look up to, has reached!

  "I'll be counting on you later, brother Kazuki."

  "The actors are in place! The cameraman is ready!" "

  The finale of "Forest of Mist", Sakurayuki—"


   With a click of the slate, filming started, and in Kurosaki's focused and prepared expression, a scene that was destined to shock the entire entertainment industry unfolded.


  Tokyo in April is gentle and beautiful.

  In the refreshing spring breeze, the scene of red and white petals flying in the wind seems to bring a sweet and warm flavor to the surrounding air.

  The flowers in front of me are cherry blossoms.

  The language of flowers is life, happiness and never giving up. The flower shape is very beautiful, but under this attractive appearance, it is fragile and cannot withstand even a heavy rain or a strong wind.

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