Chapter 24 Springside (2)

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  What is the difference between a man's body and a man's body?

  In addition to these characteristics of fat, thin, tall, and short, can there be other differences?

  Strong or not? NO NO NO NO NO.

  Putting aside the above points, at this moment, today! Nakata Touma finally understood why there are so many artists who like the same sex in the circle.

  Compared with women, the scenery in front of him is really too...

  He felt that he couldn't continue speaking, his tongue was knotted and his throat was dry, so he could only stand in the water and look up at it in a daze. A boy on the shore.

  Looking at him standing in the twilight, it seemed that he was wearing a transparent feather coat, and his whole body was constantly exuding attractive brilliance.

 It actually attracted him... It actually attracted him. Ignoring the shame exposed by the features between her legs, he abruptly took a few steps forward.

  If you make a fool of yourself, let's make a fool of yourself. Compared with this face, the only thing he wants to do now is to go forward and hold the palm of that boy, and stand beside him with his beautiful waist.

  In Wangxue Spring, the interaction between the old and the young can be said to attract the attention of everyone around.

  Is there anything else to say about the reaction of the female staff? It was as if his eyes were shining brightly, and he was almost drooling and threw himself on it desperately.

  As for the male staff?

  Hmm...they're kind of indescribable.

  Everyone gathered together in twos and threes, obviously chatting, but why did they raise their heads and glance hurriedly from time to time.

 Look at that look, and then look at that movement, it's really a typical example of being cautious, with a heart but no courage.

  "It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful, Senior Qianhui!"

  "Look, Arimori-kun's skin seems to be glowing! And Senior Nakata, I never thought that he, who is already fifty years old, can have such a good figure! And there too..."

  "Cough, cough, pay attention to the occasion, you little pervert." Qian Hui, who was in charge of the modeling work for the whole play, hid far away in the corner, and hid there with a group of bold women, watching vigorously.

  They were so lucky to be home today, they didn't even clear the scene during the filming of this kind of scene!

  In line with the normal female mentality of not taking advantage of what is cheap, she quietly led all the female staff to hide in this corner, so that a pair of eyes and the inner world that had been dry for a long time were comforted like never before.

  Look at that Toma Nakata!

  Tsk tsk tsk, to be honest, she really didn't expect that this usually serious man would have such strong capital.

  Look at the thick chest, and then taste the clear lines and clear texture of the waist and abdomen, and more importantly, the size of that place! Hehe, this man may not have noticed it yet, but during the few steps he walked towards the pool, everything that should have been exposed and what should not have been exposed was exposed for everyone in the audience to see clearly.

  The mature and strong male physique is really very attractive. If it weren't for his age, he is really a little older, and he really has a bright future.

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