Chapter 51 Rooftop

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  Really sorry?


  Hehe, for a man as strong as him to show such a vulnerable side, shouldn't Hideichi be proud?

  He stared at the pair of gloomy eyes a few steps away, and glanced at the hesitant movement that wanted to step forward. Arimori Hideichi couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart, shook his head lightly, turned around and walked back to the room, letting Kyoko take care of the guests first. He took two cans of coffee himself, closed the door and stood in front of the man in the corridor again.

  "Lian, since you don't want to go in, let's go to the rooftop and chat."

   He casually threw the aluminum can into the man's hand, pointed to the direction of the elevator on the left, and walked away without waiting for the other's answer. passed.

  It was seven o'clock in the evening, and it was the time for every household to rest, entertain, and enjoy dinner.

  Standing in the elevator, looking at the flickering lights of different colors on the street in the distance, I really don't know what to say.

  This feeling of wanting to break the deadlock but being unable to do so, I'm afraid the man next to me is the same.

  Why do you know?

  Because... he looks a lot like him. Also because they belong to the same category of people.

  'Ding! "

  "Hideichi, it seems that we have arrived."

  The pleasant bell rang, and the elevator gates slid open to both sides. Tsuruga Lian looked at the dozen or so stairs facing the door, grabbed the apparently absent-minded young man behind him and walked up.

  To say that today was a rare rest day, but because of his own whim, he almost turned this beautiful day into a different look.

  The audition on a whim, and the aggressiveness when facing the company's newcomers. Coupled with what happened later... His image in the minds of everyone present at that time may have been so low that it couldn't be lowered.

  Ha, image.

  It's really difficult to live your whole life wearing the mask of a perfect good man.

  Pushing open the last door leading to the roof of the building, feeling the refreshing night breeze, the two stood one after the other in this open environment full of flowers and plants.

  Find a place to sit down, and opened the lid of the drink in his hand. Just when Tsuruga Lian was about to say something to change the current silence, the guy who had come back to life jumped up and down to the railing, leaning against it, he closed his eyes comfortably.

  "Ah-hmm, the wind is really comfortable."

     Hideichi supported the guardrail with both hands, closed his eyes and raised his head a little on purpose.

  Facing the wind and feeling the refreshing coldness, it only takes a few seconds for the whole person to become transparent, and the troubled and complicated mood can also be healed.

  He just stood there, took a few deep breaths, and when he turned his body around again, a pair of bright, vibrant and admirable dark eyes appeared in front of the man opposite him.

  "Lian, do you know? In fact, I am quite contradictory."

  "I like to be lively, but I can't do without loneliness. It's okay when I'm working, but once I'm free, I either stay at home alone, or go to a place where I'm not alone. Spend a day in a place that no one else can find."

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