Chapter 4 Performance (1)

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  After walking at the end of the team for about ten minutes, Arimori Hideichi and his team walked into a theater-like room with a wide wooden stage under the leadership of the staff.

  Dim and oppressive, looking at the only light source on the high platform, the huge room was surrounded by darkness. As far as the naked eye could see, apart from the vast stage, all that could be seen were the eight judges lined up below.

  Hideichi Hideichi didn't know what other people thought.

  In the current atmosphere, he, who has always been self-healing, optimistic and cheerful, actually felt a little nervous. It can be seen that the strategy of the LME to test the pressure of the selected artists in the first step has already played its role.

  Pressure, the greatest enemy of an entertainer's life!

  Whether it is before becoming famous or after becoming famous, this aspect is always indispensable. If these unsatisfactory problems are not well adjusted, the light ones will lose their alignment in the performance and gradually be forgotten by the world, and the serious ones may temporarily be tempted to despise their own lives and do things that make relatives and friends heartbroken.

  Understanding the other party's thoughts, Arimori Hideichi followed the staff forward while deliberately slowing down his breathing rate.

  After trying hard to adjust for a few minutes, when all of them stood on the stage, his heartbeat, which was a little bit rapid before, completely calmed down.

  The nine candidates stood on the stage lined up from left to right. Just when they were about to look at the nameplates under the stage and recognize who they were sitting, the surprised voices from the judges' seats attracted all of them's eyes. past.


  "President, President! Why did you suddenly make such a decision?"

  On the left seat in the middle, the man in a suit and leather tie with his hair combed back screeched as if he had been greatly frightened. With a bang, he stood up from his seat.

  "What, Shang Zhi-jun, I didn't expect such a small matter to scare you like this."

  Sitting among everyone, a curly-haired man with a colorful feather hat on his head and a cloak of the same style on his body, with his chin resting on the table, looked sadly at the left and right sides.

  "If you want to blame, blame the more than 300 little guys before for being too boring."

       "The young people picked out after several layers of screening are so uncharacteristic, are you trying to suffocate me here?"

    "Social Boss, what you said is really..."

  The heads of the various departments on the left and right heard their bosses say this, and apart from depression and helplessness and a burst of weakness in their bodies, they really couldn't feel anything anymore.

  It's rare for their president to be serious today, and he didn't make any shocking appearances, but he didn't expect to ask to change the questions of the test session now.

  Can't you change it?

  Nonsense! Of course not!

  Let me ask you, do you know what the fate of wage earners is?

  The boss opened his mouth, and the younger brother broke his leg.

  "Okay, inspired by love, I announce that the test question for this group of candidates is—to perform the specialties filled in their respective materials!" The order was given, regardless of the reactions of other people around.

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