Chapter 38 Glory

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 Good or bad appearance is definitely the most basic and important prerequisite for an ordinary person to become an artist.

 It's not that you don't have a chance if you look crooked, but if other abilities are the same, the person with good looks is bound to be more likely to succeed.

 This seems a bit unfair, but there is no way, who makes the pace of life in modern society so fast?

 When the audience in front of the TV sees an artist with a pleasing appearance, they may even stop the remote control in their hands to seduce their eyes. If the appearance is too full of personal characteristics, it will definitely not even take a second to be replaced by someone quickly changing the channel.

 Not convinced?


 But this reality, you have to accept it no matter what.

 Take Hideichi Arimori as an example, although he himself doesn't think his appearance is so good, but the audience who see him love him. Imagine first, if he has an ordinary appearance and an ordinary temperament, how can he get a role like Mori Ranmaru? How could it be possible to cause such a big sensation in such a short period of time?

 Therefore, the beauty and ugliness of an artist's appearance greatly affects his future in this circle.

 It is precisely because of this reason that the moment Kyoko Mogami said that she wanted to enter the entertainment industry, Hideichi Arimori had already decided to transform her friend into a beautiful woman with a temperament that is becoming less and less common in today's society.

 Kyoko is not ugly, on the contrary, she can be said to be beautiful. It's just because she usually doesn't pay attention to herself, she has always given people around her the feeling of being an ordinary, transparent character that people forget at a glance.

 But if you think about it seriously, this girl has a gentle temperament. She grew up receiving strict traditional education since she was a child. Whether it is etiquette, morality, or skills, she can definitely be regarded as the top existence among girls of the same age.

 The character is tough and forbearing, and he is willing to endure anything for the love in his heart. Shouldn't such a girl have a better future than before, a better future?

 Of course not!

 At present, her beauty is just that it has not been discovered by others. Instead of doing nothing and waiting pointlessly, it is better for him to have Mori Hideichi polish this jewel that is destined to shine in advance.

 He moved the sundries Kyoko packed up to his room and put away the hot-headed girl who had "I Want Revenge" written all over her body, out of the building, and took a taxi to the nearest Ginza Commercial Street.

 Since the image needs to be changed, what better place is there than a place full of big brands and famous stores. You must know that in the current situation of Mogami Kyoko, whether it is hairstyle, skin, or clothes, all need to be rebuilt.

 He stopped and went all the way like this, visited the beauty salon and the clothing store successively, and it took him nearly three hours to help this guy who has no female self-consciousness take care of his skin, choose good clothes, and sit in the The last stop - the hair salon.

 Well, while this guy is away,

 he should pay the bill first. If he yelled out of his composure because of the price like he did when he bought clothes just now, he would just die.

 Buy clothes, change shoes, get styled.

 In just a few hours from head to toe, 150,000 yen was spent. This kind of spending money is like running water, swiping the card does not change the feeling of heartbeat, if it is in the previous life, I really dare not even think about it.

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