Chapter 29 Opposites

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 Dyeing and Shampooing Hair.

 Trim, lengthen.

 After such steps, counting the time for processing the eyebrow color and connecting the real hair, when the whole shape is basically completed, it will really be five hours later.

 Change into the clothes to be used in the commercial shooting, and take the blue contact lenses handed over by Jieli Woods and put them on. Blinking his eyes at the scene reflected in the mirror, and finding nothing wrong, Arimori Hideichi turned around and turned his mouth to the staff behind him who was staring wide-eyed, showing a bright and dazzling smile.

 "Misters and ladies, have you seen it?"



 "Hey, he smiled at me! Zaoji, he actually smiled at me! !!”

 Like a nuclear bomb dropped into a densely populated city, waves of screams and shouts filled the room of more than 100 square meters.

 Obviously already used to beauties!

 It's obviously true, did you see this young man become what he is now!

 How come those of us who have been tested for a long time and have seen many big scenes seem to be unable to control our bodies at this moment, screaming desperately and constantly tensing our nerves? !


 Although it's embarrassing to lose your bearing in front of so many people, there's no time to worry about it now! ? Obviously, it is important to appreciate the beauty in front of you that is so charming that you want to let people have it all the time.

 That fair skin seems to be transparent, that long hair that is so bright that it drags to the ground like gold, and that ancient Greek mythology style dress!

 There are so many exposed places, but why is there no erotic meaning in it? On the contrary, the more you look at it, the more healthy you feel, and the more you look at it, the more pleasing to the eye? !

 Male! male! He is a man!

 The latest perfume, right? ! purchase! As long as this god-like boy continues to smile at him, no matter how much money he spends, he won't hesitate!

 As if being bewitched, as if instantly hypnotized by that smile, whether it was the staff of Anna Sui or the staff of LME. As long as the gender is female, no one can be spared.

 Why are we alive?

 The boy in front of me!

 Why do you make so much money?

 The boy in front of me!

 That kind of feeling is like just being glanced at by him, as long as his smile is passing by, the whole heart seems to be sublimated.

 That feeling is like forgetting the troubles of life, leaving everything around, and flying lightly in the clouds, uncontrollable but extremely comfortable. It's like knowing that drugs are poisonous, but still can't control my desire to move forward and want to get close to him.

 Just step forward, just get closer! Even if it is only a short centimeter, we will surpass everyone and become the closest existence to this boy.

 ... God Amaterasu, there are so many nympho in this world.

 Witnessing the astonishing moment with his own eyes, Takenori held his forehead with a wry smile and sighed.

 He admired and admired the child's outfit. At the beginning, I was stunned for more than ten seconds, but after that? Not directly waking up.

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