Chapter 58 Noble

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  The interaction between Ren Tsuruga and Touma Hirata was unknown to Hideichi Arimori himself.

  After the commotion occurred, the group of them was also curious about what happened, but with the upcoming work schedule, how could he have time to watch the excitement?

  Do you know what time his itinerary started today?

  Five o'clock!

  It started at five o'clock in the morning!

  Shooting commercials, recording programs, finishing these things, and then I have been busy shooting movies since 11:00 noon. Without food or water, I got into the car and had to rush to the next job site.

  What for?

  Don't you want to realize the dream in your heart as soon as possible through your own efforts?

  The entertainment industry has always produced talents in large numbers, and artists change one after another. He doesn't want to relax himself and let the hard-won achievements go to waste.

  Leaning on the back seat of the car, watching the rushing traffic on the road.

  He tore a piece of chocolate casually and put it in his mouth. The moment a faint bitterness rose to the tip of his tongue, the figures of two men suddenly appeared in his mind.

  Tsuruga Ren, and Nakata Toma...

  The former has a high status and excellent acting skills, and is an opponent he cares about very much and must defeat. Although the latter poses no threat to him, the relationship between them is really too awkward.

  What he said to that man that night. That night, the man wanted to say something, but in the end he had a painful expression... At this time, he thought about it, and his original plan to cut the knot with a quick knife was probably all in vain.

  With a wry smile, he turned on his phone and checked the text message he received this morning. He finished editing a message quickly with his fingers, and when he was about to press the send button to send it, he finally hesitated and stopped his fingertips on the delete button, clearing the entire screen of information.

  'Arimori, I know that stalking is not what a man should do, but... I have something I want to say to you...' There is something I want to say to him...

  Forget it, we were so familiar before, suddenly... Pretending to be a stranger and deliberately hiding from others is really too much.

 Anyway, as long as he recognizes his pursuit clearly and doesn't give the other party any false illusions, if they meet... then they'll meet.

  "By the way, Mr. Takeshi, are there a lot of guest stars today?"

  "Today? I heard from the president that in the first twenty episodes of the TV series, five to seven celebrities will be invited to appear in each episode. But as long as the first twenty episodes are passed and the plot is fully developed, only one or two popular celebrities will be invited to stay. As for the others, they are no longer needed."

     "What's wrong, Hideichi? Asking these things, does it mean that you are very interested in this guest appearance?"

  After checking the map displayed on the GPS navigation at hand and confirming that the time spent on the road would not make them late, Takenori Takeshi  looked at the young man sitting in the back seat in the rearview mirror and found to his surprise that his mood seemed a bit 'down'?


  What's going on here?Wasn't it fine half an hour ago? Why did it suddenly become like this?  

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