Chapter 44 Shining Shining

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  "Master Ren—!"

  With this shout of joy and surprise, the petite figure left Arimori Hideichi in an instant.

  Standing in place from a distance, watching Maria Takarada throw herself into the arms of the oncoming man. Watching the man smile, he hugged the child in his arms with an expression that was countless times more sincere and loving than before. Looking at the picture of those fingers pinching the nose of that cute little guy, it really makes people feel a kind of infinite warmth.

  The adult who cherishes and loves the little guy in his arms, and the little girl who puts her arms around the adult's neck and presents gifts to him like offering treasures.

  Although the age of the man did not seem to be the age of a father, it was like a scene of laughter and laughter between a real father and daughter, which still stopped the crowd who were chasing after Tsuruga Lian and wanted to come closer.

  "Master Lian, look, this is the chocolate that elder brother Hideichi gave me. Coupled with the hairpin that Master Lian gave me today, Maria really enjoyed her day." Holding the candy box on her chest with one hand before, the little girl blushed a little excitedly.

  She leaned against Tsuruga Lian's arms, carefully opened the beautifully packaged box, took out a heart-shaped candy dough from it, put it into the mouth of the person opposite her and asked softly.

  "Master Lian, how does the candy taste? Is it sweet?"

  "Although this is not made by Maria herself, it also contains Maria's full heart for Lian-sama. If, if even your lord, If you think the candy is not tasty, then replace it with Maria. Just wait a few more years, and when Maria turns sixteen, Master Lian will have no problem doing anything to Maria."

  After the little girl said these words, she didn't wait for others to do anything, but she herself blushed and covered her cheeks with her hands, yelled in a low voice, and fell down on the shoulder of the man in front of her.


  No no no no, this is no longer simply funny.

  Arimori Hideichi, who saw this scene completely, apart from secretly lamenting Tsuruga Ren's charm that can be attracted by the age of eight to eighty, was also a little ignorant of the little guy who inherited some of his grandfather's personality. How to evaluate it.

  He knew that this guy liked Tsuruga Lian, but no matter how he knew it, hearing the words of a half-sized ghost express his heart was really satisfying.

  Let's not talk about the reactions of other people around, just looking at the helpless and dumbfounding expression of Tsuruga lian, one can know how lethal those words just now are.

  Maria Takarada...

  you really are just like your grandfather, you are a strange complex that both makes you headache and doesn't know what to do.

  But having said that, Tsuruga Ren should be very busy, right? Why did you appear here alone today? Could it be that he just doesn't have a job, and he just happens to be resting these days?


  Huh? Um!

  "Atsu, Tsuruga-senpai."

  The moment the voice sounded close at hand, Arimori Hideichi realized that the man he was thinking about had actually walked in front of him.

  This tall and graceful man stood in front of him with the girl in his arms, looking down at him with an attitude of condescending.

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