Chapter 36 Toma Nakata

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  The purity of light.

  The depth of night.

  When both of these are tempting you.

  Who will you...


  In the gentle and gentle narration, all the shopping malls with Anna Sui counters. In the same day, the large screens inside and outside the store, on the walls, and at the door were occupied at an unimaginable speed, and the advertisements for the company's latest perfume were released.

  As for the effect, does it need to be said?

  Look at all these men and women in the streets who stop, stop and watch. Listen to those, the exclamations that come with the alternation of light and night.

  That kind of power! It really defeated all competitors and successfully caused an explosive topic among consumers.

  "Haruko, Haruko! That night was Lian, right? Although the dark temperament is different from the gentle Lian-sama, but that appearance, that look, must be Lian-sama!"

  The girl yelled a few times to see that she didn't attract her friend's attention, and when she turned her head to ask clearly, she heard a series of high and low discussions from around.

  "Master Lian!?"

  "Anna Sui actually invited Master Lian to speak for her this time? And the young man who appeared in the advertisement... If I read correctly, it must be His Highness Ranmaru from “Warring States”, right!?"

  "Ah, look at that bright smile, look at the appearance of bursts of light, His Highness Ranmaru is really... Miyuki, what are you waiting for! Since these two are my idols, no matter what this new product, It must be supported!"

  Situations like this happened in every corner of the city. The sensational effect caused by this advertisement was beyond the expectation of the company that shot this advertisement.

  How many days did the ad run?

  The counters surrounded by the third floor and the outer three floors here are really amazing. Count the crowded heads, and then look at the sparsely populated situation of other counters.

  Although after a busy day, many nail marks will be left on the arms, but this time the head office invited these two to shoot the advertisement of the new product, it is really an unprecedented wise decision.

  Tsuruga Ren, the King of Popularity.

  Arimori Hideichi the fastest rising star in the entertainment industry.

  How many days have passed since the TV series "Warring States" was broadcast?

  In less than a week, the most frequently appearing character in the headlines and entertainment pages of major newspapers has quietly replaced this sixteen-year-old boy.

  All kinds of gossip during filming, all kinds of stills leaked out one after another, combined with last night's nosebleed trailer, after tonight's episode is officially broadcast, I'm afraid tomorrow's headlines will come to fruition again.

  "Hey, hey, woman! My poster! Ranmaru Temple... No! You haven't given me the posters of His Highness Hideichi and Mr. Ren!"

      "Yes, yes, hurry up and give us the gift!"

  Looking at the women in front of them with rose-printed shopping bags in their hands, the staff standing in the counter quickly took out exclusive gifts of different products and sent them to the angry God.

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