Chapter 30 The Gap

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  Just as Hideichi Arimori sighed in his heart, he planned to say hello to the visitor.

  The foreign middle-aged man who came out with Tsuruga Ren and She Xingyi grabbed his shoulder first, twisted his body and let out a series of admiration sounds.

  This person was estimated to be less than forty years old, with short platinum-blonde hair on his head. A man with a broad frame, a tall figure, a square face and stubble, is really full of wild charm unique to men at first glance.

  Just see him talking non-stop while muttering words, while a pair of wide palms kept stroking the young man in front of him.

 That kind of carefulness, for fear of destroying something, really made Shuichi Arimori depressed, but at the same time, he couldn't produce the slightest strength to resist.

  He understood very well.

  Since this person came out with Tsuruga Lian, it is likely that he is the director in charge of this advertisement.

  When I was doing styling, I heard that the person in charge of this advertisement is a foreigner, but it is really uncomfortable to be played by people all the time like now, but it feels unspeakable.

  With a stiff face, he allowed the opponent to turn his body, wantonly plundering everything. Although nothing was really lost, the awkward feeling was really...

  "Tsuruga, you have a good eye."

  The weird tone interrupted Hideichi Arimori's inner complaints, and when he looked up, he saw the man beside him let go. He opened his body, turned around, nodded and walked to the other two along the same path.

  "Inspiration is coming! Don't be in a daze, hurry up and bring this child in with me."

  Leaving a word of incomprehensible meaning, the foreign man left them alone and strode into the door alone.

 The two people who just came here were not given any chance to introduce themselves.

  Well, Hideichi Arimori.

  You know, don't foreigners always pay attention to efficiency like this? It doesn't matter whether he introduces himself or not, just throw off his shoulders!

  Maybe it was because I was ignored, so I was a little uncomfortable.

  He just stood there and stared at the direction of the door, so focused that he didn't even notice that Tsuruga Lian came to him. It wasn't until the distance was too close that he felt that the light was blocked by something, then he belatedly let out a scream and took a step back, looking at the man standing where he just stood.

  "Dun, Senior Tsuruga!?"

  "Hideichi-kun, it's not a good habit to be distracted at work."

  Because of the overall appearance, he was obviously smiling, but it gave off a completely different feeling. kind of experience.

  Like the darkness spreading, like the eternal night approaching, under his smile, the three people standing near him couldn't help shaking their bodies, and their bodies were covered with goose bumps.

  The nerves screamed for danger, but the brain could not receive such signals.

  Obviously, there was a gust of cold air rushing through the whole body along the spine, but the legs were still uncontrollable, driving the body to lean towards him.

  It's just a step away, but it seems like the distance between heaven and earth.

  When the body couldn't control the moment when he took that step, Arimori Hideichi suddenly woke up in a daze.

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