Chapter 45 Him and her

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  LME, as the top brokerage company, naturally has to show a superior demeanor in all aspects.

  Taking the artist selection held every year as an example, the degree of perfection of various configurations can be seen in China, which is really not seen in other companies except here.

  Male artists are very simple, at most they provide clothing, provide a musical instrument and other common things.

  When it's the female artist's turn, in order to let these girls who are full of hope and screened out layer by layer show the most perfect self. Takarada Raleigh even ordered all kinds of impossible and eye-catching things to be prepared.

  Indoor gardens, small playgrounds, and even things that were impossible to do in a short period of time, such as libraries, dance studios, and kitchens, were all completed within half a day by him.

  That's right, what he does is often very speechless. But this guy's love for this circle, for those children who may become artists under his company, there is no doubt in any aspect.

  From ten thousand to a thousand, and then from a thousand to a hundred now.

  Seeing waves of young girls being dismissed, and watching players who collapsed and lost their confidence due to a small mistake never to return, Mogami Kyoko really felt that she was used to this kind of cruel and inhuman selection.

  From the earliest primaries, I feel that there are so many beautiful girls in the world. Now that she has reached the position of the last 50 people step by step, besides being grateful and grateful, her intuition tells her that the biggest test for these players is about to come.

  The script of the first level is read aloud and memorized quickly.

  The second level is personal stunts and talent show.

  What will be the third time, after thinking secretly for so long, to be honest, she really has no idea.

  How would she describe the president of LME who just stepped off the stage and didn't play cards according to common sense?

  Although I heard Hideichi talk about his style of doing things before participating in the selection, but no matter how many times I heard it, until the moment when I saw what he did with my own eyes recently! The feeling of being shocked and not knowing how to use words to evaluate it made her understand the meaning of those words all at once.

  Capricious, egotistical, outrageous.

  That kind of intense appearance with a unique samba dance surrounded by a group of hot dancers. Is it possible for a normal, stable man to show himself in front of strangers?

  It seems that to survive in this company, one's own strength and strong nerves are indispensable.

  "Mr. Xiaolin, it's almost time, let's start the final selection."

  After a wanton dance, the shiny man in a costume made of golden sequins casually pushed back his slightly curly long hair hanging on his forehead They gathered together and sat in the middle of the judges' seats under the stage.

  After this afternoon, regardless of the final result, the selection of newcomers for this year has come to an end.

  It would be great to be able to select some more girls with potential, but even if not, for the company, it would be nothing to regret to have one more newcomer like Hideichi Mori this year.

  What is the purpose of LME?

  Expensive essence is not expensive!

  Different from those brokerage companies that often form groups and often use dazzling crowd tactics, the principles they follow are very few elite policies.

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