Chapter 7 Off-Screen

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  Company, family, company.

  In just three days after the selection meeting, LME signed an artist contract with Hideichi Arimori at an inhuman speed. For five years, the club draws 40%, and the remaining 60% is owned by individuals.

  Is it rich? It's simply too rich.

  You should know that when a newcomer joins an economic company, the share ratio of the first contract is usually seven to three, and the company seven to three. Looking at the picture in front of me again, I wonder if the LME is too optimistic about him and wants to put a long line to catch big fish. It was due to other things that he came up with such an amazing contract.

  Well, for whatever reason, Hideichi Mori didn't care too much about these things to be honest.

  He has no shortage of money, and the reason why he appears here is entirely to pursue his dream, to fulfill his long-cherished wish.

  Sitting alone in the dressing room, boredly flipping through the magazines circulated within the company.

  He is very boring. It has been two hours since he went out at ten o'clock in the morning, and the person who told him to wait here still hasn't come. Although he didn't wait and there was really nothing to do, but it was a bit uncomfortable for him to stay here by himself, so boring and stupid.

  The staff apologized and apologized, and he wasn't mad at anyone, just like this...

  '哢哩! 'A sound came.

  Just as he was complaining secretly in his heart, there was a sudden sound of opening the door of the house. Immediately afterwards, the door that was closed a second ago was opened and pushed away from the outside in the blink of an eye.

  "Ah, you must be Mori-chan that Darling mentioned a few days ago?"

  Little, Mori-chan? !

  Arimori Arimori twitched when he heard this address, and looked helplessly at the woman who walked into the room with a lot of things in her hands and closed the door again.

  She has a fluffy head, medium-length golden curly hair, and her height is less than 1.6 meters by visual inspection. It's really worrying to see her small body walking around with so many things in her hands.

  "Jellie Woods?"

  "Haha, that's me."

  The woman holding something in her hand was almost two heads shorter than Hideichi Arimori, walked to the table, put down the things in her hand, and looked at the boy on the seat carefully. It took a while before continuing.

  "So Darling already told you my name? That's just right! Let's hurry up and get started."

  Start? start what? !

  Arimori Hideichi, who was not sure about the situation, just wanted to ask, when there was a soft swipe, a large white area appeared in his sight, and the wide snow-white cloth was wrapped around his neck by the woman in the blink of an eye.

  "I'm Jille Woods, known as the witch in the beauty industry."

  "Although your condition is good enough, in the next five minutes, I will hide another face on you, Appear in front of the eyes of the world through make-up guidance."


  LME is the largest and strongest brokerage company in Japan, and the number of employees under it is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary companies.

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