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Jonathan and Kane opened the car doors and got in.
"Aye, I'm live on IG, say what's up," Kentrell said as he leaned forward. Jonathan licked his lips and put his voice in seduce mood. "What's happenin' y'all?." He smiled and his white teeth glistened. Kane waved.

Jonathan looked at the comments and chuckled. Females flooded the comments with hearts.

"Ight, let's get dis car goin'," Kentrell said as he sat back.

Durk exhaled heavily, he reached forward and took Kane's big ass shades from his head. He sat back and put them on. They covered his eyes and eyebrows.
He grabbed his rubberband from his wrist and pulled his hair back. He used the hoodie part of Dominique's jacket and used it as hair. Now he was comfortable. He wrapped his arm around Kentrell's arm and just stared at the comments.

"Crunk ain't dead," Jonathan mumbled as he turned the volume up and rolled the windows down. He sped down the road.

"I wanna take ya out tanight, it won't be no double date, just you and me," Kentrell turned his head to Durk. "You gone wear sumthin' nice fa meh?,"

"Yeah," Durk smiled. "You gone wear sumthin nice fa meh?, I can't be da only one lookin' good."

"Fa you? I'll wear whatevea ya want."

Durk shyly laughed. He was liking this new lifestyle. Kentrell didn't make him feel weak or submissive, he made him feel important and loved. When Durk had decided to hang out with Kentrell, he made it his nunber one rule to not fall into the bottom bitch category. Even though Kentrell was close to making him fail, he kept his ten toes down.

Durk laid his head on Kentrell's chest.



He walked downstairs and saw Kai sleeping on Josh's chest

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He walked downstairs and saw Kai sleeping on Josh's chest. Josh couldn't sleep so he silently watched Kentrell's IG live on the big screen. His hand rested behind his head. Fanum walked over, shoving Josh's feet from the foot of the couch, he sat down. "Where Duke and dem?," He stretched his limbs.

"Dey at da basketball court, dey should be coming back, dats what Duke texted me." Josh said.

Kai turned his head and went back to snoring. Josh patted and rubbed his back.

"I should probably go get dressed."

"Where you headed?,"

"Damn, you da feds?, me and Duke going to sum small football game." Fanum said.

"Against who?,"

"Bears vs Tigers." Fanum said before he got up.He yawned and headed back upstairs
the same time Toosi came downstairs.


"Yo." Josh raised his fingers up.

Toosi walked over and dapped Josh up. He looked up at the screen and saw Kentrell, he frowned. "Why you watchin' him?,"

"He ma friend, well, Kai's friend, I'm cool wit him if Kai's cool wit him." Josh shrugged.

"Seems like all you do is follow aftea Kai, when have you ever taken lead?," Toosi said as he sat down beside Josh.
"I just wanna see him happy."

"You sound like uh bitch." Toosi shook his had. "You focusin on his happiness is only bringin' you misery. Trust me, I know."

"I really like Kai, hell, I might even be in love wit him." Josh sighed.

"Doesn't seems like he feels da same if he fuckin' another nigga. Ya need ta move on. You deserve bettea."

"All of ma friends is straight, Tk moved on, so now it's just Tyquian and Kai. Fuck Ty, dat nigga ruined errythang."

Toosi smiled. "Yeah, he did."

Josh sat up. "You right, although it may be difficult to break dis off with Kai, I need ta move on. I'm still young, dis ain't gone be ma last relationship."

"For da ally dat I am. Let's go find you uh nigga, you like tops or bottoms?," Toosi said as he got up from the couch.

"Bottoms." Josh blushed, even saying it out loud sounded cringy to him.

"Ight den, we out."

Toosi piled Kai off Josh and he immediately sat up, he wasn't sleeping, he was silently listening. "Where you going?," He had small tears in his eyes.
"We finna go hang out, Ty'll be here, you won't notice I'm gone." Josh dryly joked.

"Oh, but I thought we was suppose to go see Durk---,"

"Durk is headed back to da house, he's out of da hospital, I just saw Kentrell's live." Josh said as he walked with Toosi who draped his arm around his shoulder. Kai quckly got out of the couch and rushed over to Josh.

"You not gone give me uh hug?," Kai pouted.
Josh rolled his eyes and side hugged him. Damn. That hurts.
"Uh kiss?--,"

"Kai, I'm in uh rush," Josh said as he sighed.

"You were nevea in uh rush ta kiss me."
"Dats because you got uh new nigga, remember? Ask dat nigga Ty fa uh kiss,"

"You jealous?," Kai thought that would work.
"Nah, but, I'm an idiot, an idiot for even thinking we could've had something special. An idiot for putting your needs and wants before mine, Kai has there ever been uh time when you thought about others?,"

Kai got quiet, at that moment he felt smaller then ever. "No." He said softly.

"Exactly." Josh said as he opened the front room.

"But I am now!," Kai pouted as he grabbed Josh's wrist. "I love you!,"

"Let me go Kai," Josh swallowed hard, he didn't want to break off what he and Kai had, but, if Kai's not willing to choose, he'll choose for him. He grabbed Kai's hand and piled it off him. "You don't love me, your saying that so I can stay in your fucked up relationship with Ty."

"I thought---,"

"I lied!," Josh yelled. "Having Ty kiss and love on you was the most disgusting thing I've allowed and witnessed! Fuck Ty! And fuck you too!,"

"You don't mean that," Kai's bottom lip twitched and tears began to fall.

"I do! You have brought nothing but misery in my life, I should've pushed you away when you made advances on me, but I didn't, I was filled ta da brim with lust, not anymore, it's over."

Toosi smiled proudly.
Kai crashed to his knees as Dominique came running downstairs. He frowned.
"Da fuck going on?,"

"Nothing, me and Josh going out, Kai in da way of dat, we cool though, we was just leavin'," Toosi said as walked off with Josh. Kai was in the way of the front door closing.

Dominique walked over and softly shoved Kai. "It's was bound ta happened, you have two niggas at da same time." He said as he pushed the front door closed.

Kai yanked away. "I wanted him!,"

"You also want Ty to. You uh damn thot." Dominique mugged.

Kai cried harder.

Dominique shrugged and went back upstairs.

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