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When Jonathan drove into Dominique's parking lot, Kentrell said his goodbyes and ended the live. He shoved his phone into his pocket.

Once the engine was killed. Durk got out, hunching over, his stomach wound started to weigh heavy on him. Kentrell got out and wrapped his arm around Durk's waist. "You want help or---,"

"I think--," He tried to press on his right foot and felt the wound on his thigh pulse violently. He hissed.

Kentrell awwed. "Don't worry, once you heal, you gone be able ta walk, run, and shoot."

"I can shoot, you'll just have ta carry me." Durk joked.

Kentrell scoffed as he lifted him. "I can't shoot and carry you at da same time, you gone get us both killed."

Durk laughed.

The same time Kane and Jonathan got out the car. Duke pulled up right next to them.
"Damn, you beat us," Tyquian joked as he got out the backseat. He was holding a bag of seafood.
Duke got out and slammed the car door. "Saw ya live Trell, y'all kids don't get into any trouble tanight, ya feel meh?," He laughed.

Kentrell chuckled as Tyquian unlocked and opened the door. "I'll make sure nothin' illegal goes on."

When Tyquian stepped in, he was met with Kai's embrace and cries. He arched his brow.
Everyone walked past the couple.
"Da fuck happened?," Ty asked with confusion.

"Josh, he--he said he don't wanna be with me--us anymore." Kai pouted. "He's leavin' da relationship."

"I could've seen that coming," Agent said as he went upstairs with Duke and Chris.

Durk rolled his eyes. "We all did." He mumbled for only Kentrell to hear. He cleared his throat.

"Look, I got uh surprise, see? I got ya sum sea food, I know how much you love shrimps and shit." Tyquian smiled and showed Kai the bag. He smiled weakly.

"Can you talk to Josh, please? He doesn't wanna listen to me,"

"Sure." Tyquian smiled. He leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Where he at?,"

"Some gay club wit Toosi," Kai wiped his eyes.

"Toosi? Dat nigga ain't gay, are you sure it was him?," Jonathan frowned.

"He's going as his wingman."

Kentrell shrugged, he could care less about Kai's hoe-ness. He followed Kane up the stairs and headed to the bathroom. He stepped in and placed Durk on the edge of the tub. "Wash yaself, Kane brought ya clothes, and imma patch ya up when ya done." Kentrell said.

Durk smiled. "Thank ya bahbeh."

Kentrell smiled. "I thought ya said stick ta ma lingo."

"Ya said I sounded nice." Durk shrugged as he turned the hot side on.

"Ya do." Kentrell said before leaving, he closed the door softly. He pulled out his phone and headed to his Twitter. He tweeted the following.

"To the victims that were injured and shot. I deeply apologize for the incident, and I will be sending each uh fair amount of money for each hospital bill. I would also like to thank ma fans for coming to see me, I love ya and would die for ya. Also, to the trolls that are saying it was ma opps, it wasn't, sometimes it be the niggas close to you that do the dumbest shit." He sent the message and waited for the responses. He sat next to the bathroom door.

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