Pay Back's a Bitch

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We bought a bag from the Boss cause we were out and we actually had enough money. I gotta go shopping tomorrow. We need groceries. We went home and I automatically went and got ready to get payback. I put on booty shorts and a belly shirt that was low cut.

I went in the bed room were Chres was on his phone.

"Hey, Chres, can you help me with something?" I smiled. He looked up and his expression was priceless.

"Uh, um, uh." He stopped trying to talk and nodded.

I got a chair and put it in the middle of the floor. I told him to sit in it, which he did, without saying a word. He forgot all about his phone so it was still on the bed. "I need you to tell me if I am a good dancer." I told him. He nodded and waited for me to started.

I used my phone to play Red Nose, I did the red nose, then I put on Trampoline Booty and twerked. Then I put on Slow Motion and gave him a lap dance. Lastly, I told him stand up and I put on Hypnotized and danced on him. I made sure to do what the lyrics said. After the song was over I looked at his face. He was hypnotized alright.

"What do you think?" I asked.

He stuttered for a minute. "I think pay back is a bitch. And I think I need to go fix something." He eventually got out.

I laughed and got off of him. He walked to the bathroom. I got on my phone to text my bestie, Lolo.

(Lolo- Melon, Yn- Boo)

Boo- Wasssup

Melon- Nun, wasssup with u

Boo- nun just got done showing Chres why he shouldn't mess wit me

Melon- Oh, ew

Boo- lol not that I just teased him

Melon- Were he at now

Boo- In da bathroom

Melon- Oh, you gave da boi a problem.

Boo- You know it

Melon- I gtg, we got church in the morning remember?

Boo- Ya, night girl

Melon- Night

I locked my phone and put it on the table next to the bed, then Chres came out.

"Did you wash your hands?" I asked.

He shot me a glance. "Har Har. Yes and by the way I'mma get revenge on you for that."

I don't want revenge though. "But, that was my revenge on you for you messing with me earlier." I defended.

"The first dance was revenge. The rest were unnecessary teasing. And we don't have work or school tomorrow. So, I'll get you after church." Chres laughs. He knows I don't do anything on Sunday's.

"If I say sorry can we call it even?" I ask with a groan.

"Yeah, after I get you back tomorrow." He told me.

I muttered swear words under my breath as he laughed. "How are you gonna get me back?" I asked.

"You'll find out tomorrow." He smiles, shrugging. I stuck my tongue out and he did the same.

-Next Morning After Church-

Church was great. As soon as me and Chres got home I got in the shower. When I got out I wrapped the towel around me and saw Chres was in the bathroom, brushing his teeth. Chres took a shower this morning cause I took one last night and he didn't. I stood there, waiting for him to finish.

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