Here Comes The Baby

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The video is a video I found when I was on youtube. lol. It's really old. But around 50 seconds and up made me crack up. Just, if you haven't seen it, watch it please. Tell me what you think.

The kids in the Media

So, first I just wanna say, sorry for neglecting this story. But it's getting the most reads/comments/votes. I'm gonna try to mainly focus on this one for right now so, the updates will be faster and better. I feel like I have said this before but I'mma stick with it this time. On to the story.

Ohh, and I'mma say Santo now cause in all my other books I address him as Santo and in this book I always say Santo and have to change it to Chres. Just a heads up...

*Yn POV*

Me and Santo were on our way to the house. Not our house the trap house. I'm eight months pregnant right now. I'm a little crazy right now. "This lil'" I started singing but Santo cut me off. "Don't say it again." Santo told me. I giggled. "Percy you stupid." I said, like Calvin off of 'Little Man'. Santo laughed at me.

"I'm back, b-" I was cut off once again by Santo's hand covering my mouth. I liked his hand and he moved it. "Eww, you licked me." He said, wiping his hands on me. I laughed. "I gotta go check in on some people go talk to Tameka." Santo told me. I walked over to Tameka. "Hey, beauty." Tameka said. I smiled at her. "Hey, Candy." I said. No, she isn't a prostitute. When she started working here, she always had candy and so that's her name.

"You are the nicest trap queen I know." Tameka told me. I smiled. "Thanks." I said. Then Santo walked over and wrapped his arm around my waist. "And what are you ladies talking about?" Santo asked. I giggled. "The Lion King." I said. He chuckled. "Knowing you, Yn, y'all probably were." Santo said. Candy laughed a little. "Well, we have to go check on some other people. We gotta go." Santo told me. I pouted and hugged Candy. "Bye, Candy. See you after this baby decides to come out." I said. She laughed. "Why then?" Candy asked. I pointed at Santo. "He won't let me come after this until I have the baby because he says anything could happen and I'm due in two weeks." I said. Candy nods.

Santo pulled up to a place I hate. "Ugh." I groaned. He chuckled. "We gotta get our money." Santo reminded me. Santo helped me out the car and we walked in the building, hand in hand. I don't like these nasty hoes.

"Alright, let's go. If you check out anyone of these bitches, you will never be able to have another kid." I said. Santo kissed me. "I love you. You got my kids and everything else I need. You're my wife. You also don't have about a thousand diseases so, I'mma make sure you stay my wife." Santo told me. I laughed. "Kayy." I said.

We got $2,000 from them. They must be some pricey hookers. "I'm ready to go- oww." I was trying to say I was ready to go home but cut myself off because of a pain in my stomach. "Are you okay?" Santo asked. I nod.

Five minutes into the thirty minute drive home, I had another pain in my stomach. "Oww, Santo, I think I need to go to the hospital." I said. He sped up. "Our bags already in the trunk. I figured this would happen." Santo told me. I laughed.

By the time we got to the hospital, the pains were 2 minutes apart. The doctors took us to a room and set me up to deliver. 10 minutes after we got set up, the doctor said it was time to push. Santo held my hand. I forgot how bad labor hurts.

"Alright, first push in three, two, one." The doctor said. I pushed and screamed, squeezing Santo's hand. I feel a cuss out coming on. This shit hurts. "Alright, another one. One, two, three." The doctor instructed. Even with the drugs this hurts like a bitch. "Push." The doctor said. "I am pushing dumbass!" I yelled at him. Santo smiled and tried to hide his laugh. "Shut up, Chresanto! This is your fucking fault! Dammit!" I yelled. I said the last part cause I had to do another push and that hurts.

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