Falling Apart

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*Yn POV*

-2 months later-

The triplets are now 2 months. My birthday is in 2 weeks. I’m gonna be 18. Chres parties a lot more. That shouldn’t bother me but it does. He stays gone all night and don’t come home til the morning. I got 3 secrets that no one knows. I feel guilty not telling them but, man, I promised them. I’mma tell you one now. Cause it’s what I’m doing. I started cutting again. No one knows. The other two, I’m not saying.

It’s 3 in the morning and the guys are still at some party. The kids are with my mom. Lolo knocked on my door so, I hid everything and rolled down my sleeves. I wiped the tears and told her to come in. She closed the door after coming in, she didn’t open it all the way on her way in. “How are you?” She asked. I shrugged. “I’m fine I guess.” I told her. She sat next to me. “Yn, you’re my best friend. I know you. What’s wrong?” She asked. I started crying. I showed her my arm. “Oh my God! Yn what happened?” She asked. I don’t wanna tell her though. It’s sad. I don’t like when people are sad. “I had a miscarriage.” I admitted. She hugged me. “Yn, I am so sorry. Does Chres know?” She asked. My eyes widened and I shook my head. “No, please don’t tell him. Then he will find out about the cutting and how I’m de-“ I cut myself off. I didn’t mean for that to slip. “You’re depressed?” She asked. No point in lying. “Yes, I am clinically depressed. The doctor gave me anti-depressants but they’re not working. And Chres is not here to help me with the kids. I’m doing it on my own. It’s too much for me and I try not to let it show. I cry myself to sleep every night now. I keep thinking Chres is cheating on me. He’s never here.” I cried. She hugged me again. “It’s okay, Yn. I’m here for you.” She said. Then someone walked in.

It was Chres, he was crying. “Is it true?” He asked.


*Lolo POV*

They guys just snuck in. I stopped Chres. “You know Yn is up there crying, worried about you.” I told him. He laughed. “No she not. She probably sleeping or something.” He told me. He is a little tipsy but not drunk. He probably had one or two drinks. “Really? Come here then.” I said. I drug him upstairs and knocked on the room door. She said I could come in. “Stay here and be quiet and listen.” I whispered to Chres. I opened the door enough for me to get in and then closed it.

I sat beside her and we talked. That was a lot. Then Chres walked in, crying and asked “Is it true?” Yn nodded. He hugged her. I left cause they needed some privacy.

*Yn POV*

“I didn’t mean for you to find out. I wanted to keep everything a secret.” I told him. He looked confused. “Why? I’m your husband.” He said. It’s hard to believe we’re married anymore. “I know, but you would be sad. I don’t like when you’re sad. The past is the past. It’s done now and nothing can undo it. I didn’t see the point.” I explained. “The point? The point is you are clinically depressed. You keep cutting because of me. You lost our baby because of me.” He cried. Now he feels guilty. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t your fault though. I lost the baby cause of stress. I am depressed because I lost the baby.” I said. We were both crying. “Why were you so stressed?” He asked. I could tell by the way he asked that he knew why I was. “Cause taking care of four kids day and night alone is so hard.” I said. “See? You were doing it alone because of me. It’s my fault.” He cried.

I was still a little confused on something. “Chres, are you cheating on me?” I asked. He looked at me. “No, I would never do that. You and the kids are my life. My world. I wouldn’t do anything that would risk losing y’all. I love you. I’mma be here with you, from now on.” He promised. I hugged him. “Thank you.” I said. He hugged back and rubbed my back. “How long ago did you lose a baby?” He asked. My stomach dropped. “A week ago.” I stated. “How far along where you?” He asked, his voice cracking. “Almost three weeks.” I told him. He hugged me tighter. “I am so sorry. I’m gonna be here from now on.” He promised. I smiled and kissed him. “I really hope so.” I told him.

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