Is It Over For Good?

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I tried to make this emotional, whether or not I succeeded is a different story. Broken Home by 5 Seconds Of Summer. It fits the best.


Hey mom, hey dad

When did this end?

Where did you lose your happiness?

I'm here alone inside of this broken home

Who's right, who's wrong

Who really cares?

The fault, the blame, the pain's still there

I'm here alone inside of this broken home, this broken home


*Santo POV*

"Well what do you want me to do?!" I yelled back at Yn. She threw another cup at me. She's breaking all the dishes.

"Just leave me alone, Chresanto. I don't want anything from you!" She yelled back. I don't remember how the argument started. One minute we were watching cartoons with the kids, the next she's going crazy. The kids went up their rooms.

"What did I do to you?" I asked, no longer yelling. I ducked as she threw another cup. "Quit throwing things."

"Don't tell me what to do. I'm not you slave!" She yelled.

"I never said you were, I just rather not have to by all these new dishes again, for them to be broken too." I told her. This is the second time she has done this.

"Then leave me alone!"

"I don't even know what I did wrong. I didn't do anything wrong." I told her, not having enough energy to fight anymore. It's not worth it.

"Santo, that's what you always say! You're not mister perfect!" She yelled. I sighed and shook my head, feeling water in my eyes.

"Look the kids are upstairs, this isn't fair to them." I told her, putting my hands on the counter and looking down. I think it's time to leave, we can't keep doing this. I can't keep continuing to fight with her. I love her, and it breaks my heart having to fight with her constantly.

"Then you shouldn't start with me." She yelled. I shook my head and looked up, pretty sure my eyes were red. I wasn't high, I just can't do this right now.

"Whatever I did, I'm sorry. I'm just gonna go, so you can think or something. If you want me to come home, just call me. I'll be gone until then. I love you." I told her. Her face softened.

"Wait, don't go." She whispered, coming and hugging me. I hugged back, taking in the last few minutes of this. When we pulled away, I kissed her lips, knowing this wouldn't be happening again for a while, maybe even never.

"Call me when you want me back here. I'll facetime the kids and pick them up every other day." I promised, walking to our room. She followed me, telling me to stay. It felt like the day she found out I cheated and she left me. Except this time, I was the one upset and leaving.

I packed my stuff and put it in the trunk. Then it was time to say goodbye to the kids. I stepped into the playroom, where they were all crying.

"Don't leave us, daddy." Aaliyah cried, coming over to me.

"I'll be back soon." I promised, dropping to my knees. They all came over and hugged me. "I am so sorry. I'll be back tomorrow, this isn't fair to you guys. Me and your mom just need a little break, so we can stop fighting." I explained the best I could. They were all crying.

"We don't want you to leave." Prehia cried, hugging me tighter. I squeezed all of them.

"I'll be here tomorrow, and I'll pick you guys up and you can stay with me. I have to get settled first, and make sure it's safe." I told them. They all nod.

"Promise?" CJ asked.

"With my pinkies." I answered. They all laughed a little. I wiped their faces and kissed their foreheads. It was already ten, so I decided to tuck them in while I was here. I told all of them I loved them and tucked them in bed, I promised to be back tomorrow.

"I love you, Yn." I whispered, kissing her forehead as she slept. Then I locked up and left.

I drove to our apartment in Compton. I brought all my stuff inside and unpacked. I made sure I locked the car, it's not that safe around here. We still owned the apartment, and paid the rent. I sat on the old couch and thought about everything, all the memories in this apartment, the couch held millions.

Yn and I were so happy and so in love, there was never any issues. Now things couldn't be worse, except if she was cheating. I've honestly thought about getting a divorce, I think it would make her happy. And what makes her happy, make me happy. Even if it shatters my heart into teeny tiny pieces that will never ever come back together.

Fighting makes it break worse, knowing you loves someone to death, but thinking they are losing feelings. Especially when you've been best friends over half of your life and together for seven years and married for six.

I twisted the ring around on my finger, biting my lip and holding back tears. What if it's really done for good? I don't know what I would do. I would be able to die, because of the kids. I never thought this would happen. Is it over for good?

*Yn's POV*

I don't know why I'm being so mean lately. It scares me that he wants another baby. I'm honestly terrified. It's just every time I'm pregnant, something bad happens to us. With the triplets, I almost lost one in an explosion, because someone was trying to kill us. The second time, I miscarried and with Az, he cheated on me. I don't want anything to happen.

I guess I was being mean because I wanted him to change his mind, but I over did it. And now he's gone. I pushed him over the edge and he left. It's my fault, I need to make things right. I got out my phone, not caring if it was four in the morning. It's impossible to sleep without him.

He picked up on the first ring.

Santo- "What's wrong? Please tell me nothing happened."

Me- "I want you to come home." *Crying*

Santo- *Sighs* "And I want to come home. But all this, the fighting, it's not fair to the kids. They did nothing wrong, they're living in a broken home and they don't deserve that. We should fight like we do."

Me- "I know. I'm sorry, but please come home. I miss you and I can't sleep." *Thinking: That sounds real selfish.*

Santo- "I think maybe, we should take a break. Just some time apart to clear your head. If you decide you want a divorce, then that's what we'll do. I just want you and the kids to be happy." *Voicing cracking*

Me- "Santo, please don't do this."

Santo- "It's not forever, unless you want it to be. But I can't keep fighting with you. Whatever I did to you, or said, that made you so angry, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you to the point where you started to resent me. I didn't mean to ever hurt you in anyway."

Me- "You didn't do anything. I don't know what's wrong with me."

Santo- "Nothing is wrong with you. You're perfect, Yn. You're perfect, beautiful, talented, smart, loving and caring. Don't ever think anything less. I love you, Yn. This is for the best."

Me- "I love you too. Please come home."

Santo- "I'll come get the kids tomorrow."

Then the line went dead. I could tell he was hurting even more than me. What have I done? Is it over for good?

Sorry it's short. I needed to update though, I have been abandoning this story. I'm sorry. Thank you for all the votes and reads. What do you think is gonna happen? Thanks for reading, vote/comment.


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