Altereak Ahmiere August

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*Gina POV*

I woke up in a bed that was soaked and I had pains in my stomach and I called Yn and Chresanto and told them meet me at the hospital, then drove myself to the hospital. "Ma'am, you're ready to deliver. Who is going back with you?" The doctor asked. I pointed to Yn and Chresanto. They got here 5 minutes after me and we have been here for an hour. He handed them scrubs to put on and they did. Then we started. After two hours of pain, he was here. They tried to hand him to me but I said that Yn and Chresanto were adopting him and to give him to them. To adopt a kid from birth, my lawyer and the judge said that they just sign it's birth certificate and we tell the doctors so that they can make sure it goes home with them.

-2 days later- 

So, Gina, how are you feeling?" Yn asked me. I can finally go home today and they can take the baby. Quite frankly, I don't even care that it's going with them. "I'm fine. Happy I can go home." I stated. She smiled and agreed. Chresanto really doesn't talk to me, which is fine with me but I mean he could at least talk to his own mother. Well speaking of Chresanto, here he comes now. "Baby, I am gonna run and get something to eat. You want anything?" He asked. She nods and says "Will you get me a chicken sandwich, fries and Pepsi? It don't matter from where." He nods and looks at me. "The same thing as Yn." I answered. I went to hand him the money but he said he has got it. I smiled and thanked him. He gave Yn a kiss then they both told each other 'I love you.' I couldn't help but smile, I may not be the best mother but, I am happy he found someone who loves him and cares for him. They remind me of me and Chresanto's father before he died.

"Gina, are you okay?" Yn asked. I nod and wipe my eyes. "Yeah. I know I'm not the greatest mom in the world, but I'm happy Chresanto found you. Y'all remind me of him and his father, you know before his dad got shot." I explained. She thanked me and hugged me. As soon as we finished eating, the doctor said we could leave. After I left, I went straight home.

*Yn POV*

It's now 3 in the morning and Chres still isn't home. The first day of little Altereak being home and he is already staying out late. He better not do this every night. Altereak actually sleeps almost the whole night. He just woke up for the first time tonight. I went and changed his diaper and fed him. He fell right back to sleep. Around five, Chres still wasn't home, so, I called him. He picked up on the ninth ring.

Chres- *drunk* "Hello?"

Yn- "Where are you?"

Chres- "at a party."

Yn- "When are you coming home?"

Chres- *annoyed* "When I do."

Yn- *mad* "When is that gonna be? I know that you need to go out and have fun with your friends but, Altereak just got here and I'm two months pregnant, we have four other kids and I can't stay up all night worried about you and all day with the kids."

Chres-*mad* "Then go to bed. Just cause you pregnant and can't party and have fun don't mean I can't."

Yn- "Well excuse me for wanting to make sure my HUSBAND is okay."

Chres- "I'm fine. Damn every time I go out you call and try to ruin it. Why did I marry your annoying dumbass?"

Yn- *in tears and mad* "You know what? I thought it was cause you loved me but, I guess not."

Chres- *mad* "Now you trynna guilt trip me? Can't I have fun without you trying to make me feel bad. I didn't tell you to marry me. I asked, you said yes, knowing what I am like. Calm down."

Yn- "Have fun. I'm not doing this. Be careful, I may be mad at you but our children need their father so, don't drive."

And with that, I hung up. I couldn't sleep though, so, I got on Twitter. Big mistake. "Is a divorce in the near future of the new power couple, Yn and Santo August? Santo was spotted getting cozy with multiple girls at a big party for The Game." With it was pictures of girls twerking and grinding on him and kissing all on him. I will admit, I cried. The worst part was, he wasn't trying to get them off, he was smiling and enjoying it.

The one that got me the most was the one of him holding someone's hand going upstairs. Am I a bad wife or something? Is that why he does these things?

 Oh, shit, Chres is in trouble... What's Yn gonna do? Did he really cheat? Are they gonna get divorced? Sorry, it's been soooooo long. I miss updating this story a lot. The next update is coming in like five minutes. I already have the next like five chapters wrote and ready to publish. All I have to do is hit the publish button. Any way, vote/comment. Tell me what you you. Any questions to or about the characters? If so, comment or inbox me the characters name and the question and I will gladly answer them.

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