Happy Family

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*Chres POV*

I'm taking Yn and Prehia out today. There is now only three days until the wedding. We are having a family day today. I got everything planned. I got my boy Jaquan to hook it up. Yn and Prehia both like this dude and I know they are gonna love to meet him. Especially the last surprise.

We went to the park first. Prehia wanted to play on everything. I held her up and she moved her hands on the monkey bars. She thought she was actually doing it which, made her happy so me and Yn were happy. After that we went to lunch. We were in the car and I asked "Where do y'all want to go for lunch?" Prehia smiled. "Mcdaniels daddy." She said. "McDonalds." I corrected. She nods and says "That's what I said." I just shook my head and started driving.

Once we got there we stood in line. The lady asked what we would like and I looked at Yn. Yn started to order. "Four double cheese burgers, four McChickens, a 5 piece McNugget, two large fries, one small fry, and two large drinks and one small drink." She said. The lady said "That will be $19.95 and your phone number." She said looking at me. I smiled and handed her a twenty. "My number is 319-i'm-happily-married-so-back-off." I said politely. She rolled her eyes. Then she put the order up for our food.

Me, Yn and Prehia moved down in line. Yn was smiling. "I love you." She said. I pecked her lips. "I love you too." I told her. Then our food was done so, I went and got it. The lady put a napkin in there with her number on it. I don't want that. We sat outside since it was nice out today. I took the napkin with her number on it out and tore it up.

"Why you tearing napkins?" Yn asked. "It had that girl's number on it. I ain't calling her. I don't want whatever diseases she got." I said, making Yn choke on her drink from laughing. Prehia kept eating her food like nothing was going on. I threw the napkin away. Then Yn gave me two chicken sandwiches, two cheese burgers and a large fry. We ate our food. Prehia was kicking her feet around in the high chair eating her french fries.

While we were eating someone walked up to the table. It was uh, Ashleigh or Ashlyn or Ashy, something with Ash in it. She was the high school slut. "Hey, Chres." She told me. I said "Hi." Then went back to eating. I didn't look at her again, I just looked at Yn. "So, what are y'all doing here?" She asked. I gestured to the food. "Trynna eat." I said. I was hoping she would just leave. "So, are you free this friday, Chres?" She asked. Does this girl not see my daughter and fiancé right here? "Nope, I'm married." I said. She looked at my hand. "I don't see a ring." She said, twirling her hair. "Bitch, you bout to see stars if you don't back up off my fiancé who I'm marrying in three days and who I have my daughter with." Yn said. I could she was getting annoyed.

"Who asked you?" She asked. "You just did." Yn said. "Please, slut." The person who's name I do not remember said. "Oh, honey, I'm a virgin. I'm not a door knob like you." Yn said with fake sympathy. "How am I anything like a door knob?" The girl asked. Yn looked at her, dead in the eye and said "Cause everybody gets a turn." I choked on my drink from laughing so hard. Yn cracks me up with these come backs. "Is that the best you can do?" She asked. Yn shook her head. "When you roll up, it's like the fair, cause everybody gets a ride." She said. The girl looked mad. "Well, you, you, you ugh I can't stand you." She said. Yn laughed. "Ugh, the feelings mutual." Yn mocked. The girl stormed off. I busted out laughing. "Were do you get those come backs?" I asked. Yn laughed a little. "I don't know they just come to me." She said. We finished eating then went to the mall.

-Skipping to Dinner-

We went to dinner at Olive Garden. This is where the final surprise is gonna happen. I hope Yn in likes it cause here he comes.

*Yn POV*

Chres was staring behind me. I was about to turn around when Jaquan came up. We had a private area to eat. It was only us in here. "I'm Jaquan, I'll be your waiter tonight." He said. We smiled at him and he hugged me and dapped Chres. Then I couldn't believe my eyes. There in front of me stood...

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