School Time

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*Yn POV*

I woke up to the beeping of my alarm. I got up and did my hygiene thing and straightened my hair. Then I woke up Chres how I always do. But he was in a bad mood so, instead of pulling me down like he normally does, he just got up and walked by me. No good morning or anything.

I decided to make eggs while he gets dressed. I handed him his plate when he got done getting dressed. He didn't say thank you or smile or anything. He just took the plate and sat down to eat. I rolled my eyes and walked away. I ate in the living room.

"Chres, do you need me to do your hair?" I asked him. No answer. "I don't know what's wrong with you but, I didn't do anything. So stop ignoring me." I say, angrily.

I grab my jacket from the couch, "I'm going to school. I'll see you there."

"You're gonna walk by yourself?" He asked. I just nod and walk out, slamming the door behind me.

Half way to school, someone pulled me into an ally.

They punched me and I tried to fight back but they were much stronger and they had a knife, I think they stabbed me in the stomach. They started looking for my money, I only had $20 on me though. My phone was in my bra, which thankfully, they didn't search. As soon as they were gone, I called Chres. He didn't answer. So, I tried to call Lolo. She didn't answer either though. I called Chres again. He picked up.

(Phone Convo)

Chres- "What, Yn?"

Yn- *Crying* "Chres, please help me."

Chres- *Really worried* "Yn, what's wrong?"

Yn- "Chres, I can't move. It hurts."

Chres- "Yn, what happened? Where are you?"

Yn- "In the ally near the school."

Chres- "What are you doing in there?"

Yn- "Someone dragged me in here. I think I have broke arm. And I think they stabbed me."

Chres- "I'm coming as fast as I can, Yn. Stay awake."

Yn- "Please hurry, it hurts."

Chres- "I know, baby girl, I know. I'm almost there. I'm running."

Yn- "Okay." *Starts to fall asleep.* "I love you, Chres."

Chres- "I love you too. You have to stay awake though. I'm here I'm almost to you."

We hung up and he grabbed me and my stuff. He called 911, but I started falling asleep.

*Chres POV*

As I called 911 I noticed Yn falling asleep. "Yn, stay up." I say, shaking her.

They said the ambulance would be here in 2 minutes. She opened her eyes and tried to fight the sleep. The ambulance got here and put her on a stretcher. I got beside her in the ambulance and held her hand. The people where already working on her. "Sir, I need you to keep her up." He told me.

I nod and start talking to her. "Yn, you need to stay awake, baby. I know you're tired but you have to stay awake." I tell her, giving her hand a squeeze. I was calling her baby because I think I'm starting to catch feelings for her.

"But, I'm tired." She complains.

"I know, but if you go to sleep, you might not wake up." I said.

I swallowed and my throat was closing. I felt tears welling up in my eyes. "Baby, I'm sorry I was being a dick this morning." I told her. She wiped my face with the arm that wasn't hurt.

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