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"Okay, you got your lunch?" I ask Roman.

"Yes, mom." He nods. He starts his freshman year of high school today. We got back from Disney and enrolled him in the best highschool near our house, the one all the other kids will go to.

"And your notebook?" I ask.

"Yes, mom." He laughs.

"Do you need money?" I ask, already getting my wallet.

"Dad gave me ten dollars." He answers.

"Okay, well here's another ten. If you need anything, call me." I tell him. "Oh, and text me in between classes. Don't have your phone out in class."

"I know." He nods, smiling.

"Oh, and I'm picking you up." I remind him.

"Yn, you're badgering him. Calm down, babe." Chres chuckles from the drivers seat. We're almost at Roman's new school.

"Sorry." I smile. "I'm nervous. My oldest baby is going to high school."

"Its okay." Roman smiles.

"And no girlfriends. At all." I tell him.

"Okay." Roman shrugs.

"That includes ho-" Chres cuts me off.

"I think he gets it." Chres chuckles.

Pulling up at the school, we get out Chres' car and walk in. We had to be here at nine. Since its his first day, we all walk around the school.

I carry Harmony, who gets dropped off after this. The other kids were in school, they had to go at regular time. It's their first day, so they get to go in late and we walk to their class with them.

"Oh, you must be the August family." The last at the desk smiles.

"We are." I shake her hands.

"So that means you're Roman. I'm Mrs. Taylor." She shakes Roman's hand.

"Yes, ma'am." He nods respectively.

She grabs a paper and hands it to him, "This is your schedule. The principle, Mr. Thompson, will show you all around." She smiles.

Then a tall man is walking into the office. "Good morning." He greets.

After introduction, we head to the building. He shows us where the gym, library, cafeteria and all of Roman's classes are. "Alright, and this is your second period class. They will be going to third period in thirty minutes."

I hug Roman, "I love you. Be good and careful, have a good day."

"I love you too, mom. I will, you be careful and have a good day too."

Then Santo hugs him. "Have fun. I love you."

"I love you too, dad." Roman smiles. "Have fun."

The principle had already explained where Roman needs to go to be picked up. Mr. Thompson leads Roman into class and we leave.

The same happens when we get to the elementary school. Mrs. Meyer, the principle, shows is around the school, then we go to her class.

"Bye, mommy." Harmony hugs my neck tightly, I was knelt down.

"Bye, sweetie." I hug her back. "I love you. Have a good day. Mommy and daddy are picking you up, your teacher will help you find where to go."

"Okay. I love you too, mommy."

I kiss her cheek, then let her go. She turns to Santo, who kneels down for a hug. "Bye, daddy."

"Bye, princess. Have a good day. I love you." He kisses her head.

Trynna Make It (Yn and Roc Royal Story)Where stories live. Discover now