Craig and Monique

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*Craig POV*

Monique is almost four months pregnant. She moody. It goes from you don't love me to I love you to I hate you to I'm sorry to You're annoying. It's crazy. She will cuss you out if you buy the wrong ice cream. Chres took Yn out for her birthday. They gone for two days. This should be fun. "BABY!!" I heard Monique yell. Alright, let's do this. I ran upstairs to our room and walked in. "Yes, love?" I asked. She smiled at me. She pointed to her stomach and said "I got a bigger baby bump." She cheered. I smiled. "Yup, and I love you." I said. She smiled bigger. "I love you too." She said back. I add I love you because I don't want her to say that I agreed cause I was calling her fat. "Babe?" She asked. I looked at her. "Yes?" I asked. "Can you get me pickles and ice cream?" She asked. We outta both so, I gotta go to the store now. "Yup, but, I gotta go to the store to buy some cause we are out of both." I answered. She smiled. "Thank you. I love you. You're the best. Be careful." She told me before kissing me. "You're welcome. I will and I love you too." I said back.

I put on my shoes and grabbed my keys. I went to walk out the door when Prehia walked up. "Can I go with you Uncle Craig?" She asked. I nod and tell her to get her shoes. I hollered and told everyone I was taking Prehia with me.

We were in the store, Nique sent me a whole list of stuff we needed. I was pushing the shopping cart with Prehia sitting in it. "Is Titi Nique having your baby?" Prehia asked. I nod. "Is Titi Lolo having Uncle Ray's baby?" She asked. I laughed. "Not yet." I told her. "Where do babies come from?" She asked. My eyes widened. "Uh, um, uh, ask your momma." I said. She said she was gonna. Yn is gonna have fun with that. "Is it fun being a big sister?" I asked her. She nods. "They're cute, but not when they poop." She said. I chuckled.

After we got everything on the list, we went home. Prehia went to beat up Ray. When we were walking in he scared her. She don't like being scared. I walked upstairs with pickles and ice cream. "Here you go, love." I told Monique. She took them and said "Took you long enough." I sighed. "I'm sorry. There was a lot of traffic then the store was packed." I explained. She rolled her eyes and ate her ice cream. I laid on the bed, I really don't like these mood swings. Yn was not like this. I heard sniffling. Now, I done made her cry. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "You're mad at me. You love me and help me with everything and I'm so mean to you. Why do you even love me?" She cried. I kissed her. "I'm not mad, I'm just tired. And I love you because you are a sweet, caring, beautiful person." I said. She smiled. We went to be after she at her ice cream.

*Monique POV*

Craig is so sweet to me. I really love him. These mood swings are getting on my nerves so, I know they getting on his. I decided to do something nice for him. I don't know what yet. I'm thinking of making his favorite for dinner.

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