Epilogue | Part 1

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Should I make a sequel?

By the way, there will be a part two of the Epilogue, and there will be two bonus chapters. The second part of the epilogue should be up soon.

Please leave feedback, I worked really hard on this, and it would mean a lot. Thanks.

This is six years after the last chapter.

"Stop." I laugh, moving away from my husband.

"Yn, c'mere and gimme a kiss." Santo pulls me closer.

"No, because D'Andre is on his way and he should be here soon and no one else will open the door." I smile.

"I don't see what that has to do with you giving me a kiss." Santo frowns.

I quickly peck his lips, but as I had expected, he pulls me into a slow, sweet kiss. It comes to a stop when the doorbell rings.

I go get the door, seeing D'Andre waiting there nervously. "Hi, Mrs. August."

"Hello. Come on in, it's freezing out there." I step aside.

After a quick hug, he asks, "Would you happen to know where Prehia is?"

"She's in her room." I answer.

"Okay, I'm going to sit in the living room then." He nods to himself.

"Did you two get in an argument?" I ask.

"No, I'm really nervous though. I'm asking her tonight." He wipes his hands on his pants.

"It'll be fine." I assure him.

At just nineteen years old, D'Andre is taking a huge step in his life. About two weeks ago, he sat down with Chres and I and he told how much he loves Prehia. They've been dating for three years now. He asked us for our blessing to marry Prehia.

He explained how much he loves her and why he thinks they're ready. After Chresanto gave him the very long run down of what would happen if he hurt our baby, he told him he wouldn't want anyone else marrying our daughter. He even went to a football game with D'Andre, so they could bond.

I obviously gave him my blessing, seeing as, I've thought D'Andre was a good kid since Prehia introduced him. It's easy to see how much they love each other.

"You think she'll say yes?"

"Of course she will. She loves you as much as you love her."

He nods looking around. His eyes land on Prehia, who was coming downstairs. "Wow." He mumbles. He keeps his eyes on her as she looks around. Her eyes find him and she smiles, walking this way.

"Hey, Dee." She smiles.

"H-hey. You look really nice today. I mean, you look nice everyday, but you look good today as well. You're really pretty all the time, not just today." He cuts himself off, kissing her cheek respectfully.

Prehia laughs, "You look nice too."

"I'm gonna go talk to your dad." He walks towards the living room.

"He's being weird today." Prehia laughs.

"Eh, he's a boy. Its probably because it's Christmas." I give her a hug. "You look so cute."

"Thank you, mommy." She smiles.

"Can you go find Roman and tell him I need to talk to him?"

"Yep." She nods, going to find him.

"Mama." Niya comes from the living room with an upset look on her face.

"Yes, sweetie?" I ask.

"I can't find my locket." She tells me.

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