Down Hill

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*Yn POV*

I woke up and woke Chres up. He was already in a bad mood. "Are you cheating on me?" He asked. I looked at him like he was stupid. "No, if I didn't want to be with you and only you, I wouldn't have married you." I told him, slightly annoyed. "Are you sure?" He asked me. He didn't sound like he believed me. I was telling the truth though. "Yes, why would you even ask? You know I love you." I said. He shook his head and rolled his eyes. I grabbed my clothes and ran in the bathroom and locked the door. I cried in the shower. I hate being emotional. When I got out and finished getting ready, I walked to my room. I finished getting ready. Everyone was gone so, I called Lolo. She said Chres said I wasn't going so they all left. What did I do to him? She said they already dropped Prehia off so, I got in my car and started driving.

I was at a stop light when I heard a horn and then my car was flipping. Then, I blacked out.

*Chres POV*

Y'all are probably wondering why I kept asking Yn if she was cheating on me. I keep having dreams that she does. I don't want them to be true. We left without her because, well, I don't know. I needed five minutes to get my head together. Lolo was on the phone. When she hung up she smacked me. "Why did you leave Yn?" She asked. I explained everything to her and she smacked me. "Yn's not cheating on you. She loves you. When we go out if a guy even talks to her she says 'I'm happily married to the love of my life, pregnant with his kids, and already have one with him. Just telling you before you try something.' And those are her exact words, everytime." She yelled at me. Now, I felt guilty.

At school, I got a call and answered it without looking at the caller ID.

(Phone Convo)

Chres- "Hello?"

???- "Is this Mr. Chresanto August?"

Chres- "It is. Who is this?"

???- "I'm Doctor Stevenson. Your wife is Mrs. Yn August right?"

Chres- "Yes. Why are you asking about my wife?"

Dr. Stevenson- "You are listed as her emergency contact, she was in a really bad accident."

Chres- "What?"

Dr. Stevenson- "Sir, she's in the hospital, she was in a really bad car accident. The car flipped at least five times."

Chres- *Crying* "What room is she in?"

Dr. Stevenson- "321"

Chres- "I'll be there in five minutes."

Dr. Stevenson- "Alright."

I hung up and grabbed my stuff, running to my car. Every time I am mean to her she gets hurt. Should be the one that gets hurt. I called everyone while running to my car. They said they will tell coach what happened and will be there after they go get Prehia. They also said they will bring her mom.

I got to her room in ten seconds. She looked so bad. She was asleep with cuts and bruises all over her. I sat beside her and held her hand. Then the doctor walked in and explained everything. "Okay, so she should wake up in a day or two. The babies are okay. She broke her arm, leg and dislocated her shoulder, but we took care of everything. There is no internal bleeding, which is good. Normally a person her size would not survive. God was truly on her side. There are no head injuries." He explained. I nod and thank him. I put my head on the bed beside her. I cried and rubbed my thumb on the back of her hand. "Baby, I'm sorry. I love you." I cried.

After ten minutes I heard people walking in but I pretended to be asleep. I heard Yn's mom sniffling and everyone else. Prehia kept asking what was going on. They tried explaining it in a way she would understand. Eventually, Yn's mom took Prehia to her house. "Poor Chres. He must feel so bad." Lolo said. "I would if my wife was in the hospital." Ray said. Then there were more sniffles. "I hope she is okay." Lolo cried. Ray mumbled something. Lolo cussed him out then ran out. Ray cussed under his breath and followed her out. I looked up to see Craig and Jacob talking quietly. "Hey, man. How you holding up?" Craig asked. I shrugged and looked at Yn. She looked like she was having a weird dream.

*Yn's POV*

I was standing in the field when two kids that looked a lot alike, approached me. The boy looked a lot like Chres and the girl looked more like me. "Mommy, wake up." They said. These are my kids. I grabbed my stomach. "But, I didn't give birth yet." I said confused. The girl giggled. They looked about for. "Mommy, you're dreaming. We aren't really here yet. But you need to wake up. Daddy needs you. If you die, we die." She said. Then another little boy walked up. He looked like me and Chres. "Who are you?" I asked. He smiled. "Trey." He stated. I looked at the other two. "What are your names?" I asked them. "Aaliyah." The little girl said. "Chresanto." He said. I smiled. "Mommy, now, you gotta wake up." She said.

I opened my eyes and saw Chres sleeping in the chair beside my bed and Craig and Jacob sleeping in chairs. I coughed a little cause my throat was dry. The cough was enough to wake Chres up. He kissed me. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean it love you." He cried. I moved over and told him to lay beside me. I cuddled with him. "It's okay. I love you." I said. "I love you too. I am gonna make it up to you when you get out the hospital." He said. I chuckled. "It's okay, babe." I said, then my brothers and sisters walked in. "Yn, you're up." Carmelo said. "How long was out?" I asked. "A day." King answered. We talked for a while. "Wait, where my bay bay kids?" I asked. They all laughed. "With they bay bay momma." Khalil answered. I laughed.

After everyone left, I asked Chres when I could leave. He said tomorrow. That made me. "Y'all fed Naomi today right?" I asked him. If you don't remember that is Prehia's dog. He nodded. I laid my head on his chest and took a nap.

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