Play Date

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*Yn POV*

It’s now Saturday and I am taking the kids for a play date with Royalty and Chres is going to practice. “Bye, baby. Be careful.” He told me, kissing me quickly. “You too. I love you.” I told him. He kissed the kids’ heads and says “Bye, babies. I love you.” Then he looks up at me and says “And I love you.” I smile and say it back and so does Prehia. The triplets still can’t talk. They’re only six and a half months though.

Once we got inside Chris’ house, Prehia and Royalty ran off somewhere to play. Probably the playroom. “Michael(AKA Tyga, 25 years old) said he is coming over with King(two years old) and Kylie(In the story she is 18 and in the story, she is dating Tyga).” Chris informed me. “Cool, King is adorable. Where is Rihanna at?” I asked. (He is still with Rihanna in the story. Lol, IK I am making it a lot different than it really is in real life. But it’s fan fiction so.) He pointed upstairs and right on cue, she came down stairs. “Yn!” She said. She ran over to me. “Rihanna!” I said. She hugged me and took Aaliyah from the car seat. Aaliyah just giggled. “How are you two?” Rihanna asked Trey and CJ. Just like Aaliyah, they giggled.

After Michael and Kylie came with King, he ran to play with the girls and Kylie picked up Trey. I held CJ and Rihanna was still holding Aaliyah. The boys stayed downstairs and played video games while me, Rihanna and Kylie took the triplets upstairs. “So, how are things with you and Michael?” Rihanna asked Kylie. “We’re good. It’s exactly like before we were dating. He’s still like my best friend except now we don’t flirt with anyone except each other.” Kylie answered. I laughed. “Well, that’s how it’s supposed to be.” I told her. She smiled and said “Yeah, at first I was a little worried cause I know he likes to drink and smoke, I was a little worried he might cheat on me. But he hasn’t and I am glad I said yes when he asked me out. He is really great.” Rihanna and me said “Aww.” Then Kylie turned the attention to Rihanna and Chris. “So, how are you and Chris?” She asked. “Good, it’s kind of like with you and Michael. He likes to party and we were best friends before too. I am happy we got together.” She said. Then me and Kylie said “Aww.” For her. Then she turned the attention to me and Chres by asking, “How are you and Santo?” I smiled. “We’re great. He is a great dad and husband.” I admitted. They said “Aww.” Then my phone rang. “Well, speak of the devil.” I said before answering it and putting it on speaker cause I had to hold CJ’s bottle. I bottle feed, not breast feed.

Me- “Hey, babe.”

Chres- “Hey, baby, you still at Chris’ house? Practice is over.”

Me- “Yeah, Rihanna, Kylie, Michael and King are over here.”

Rihanna- “Oh, y’all I got an idea. Tell Craig, Nique, Lo, Ray and Jacob to come over here and we can have a cook out. And tell Nique and Craig to bring Kaden.”

Chres- “Okay, good idea. We’ll be over in there in 30 minutes.”

Me- “Okay, I love you. Be careful.”

Chres- “I love you too. And I will.”

Then we hung up and Rihanna told Chris about the cook out and him and Michael started grilling.

30 minutes later everyone pulled up. “Hey, baby.” Chres said, kissing me. They all came in and the boys went to help grill while the girls hung out. Nique was holding Kaden. I was holding CJ. Rihanna was holding Aaliyah. Kylie was holding Trey. Prehia, Royalty and King were playing.

In the middle of eating, the door bell rang so, I went to get it. My smile faded when I saw who it was.

Who's at the door? What's gonna happen? Sorry it took so long. Like I said, I have everything saved on my computer and it broke. I had a whole bunch on there so, I gotta rewrite it all. Anyway, let me know.

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