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Please read the author's note at the bottom. It is very important!

"Well, it seems that your doctor messed up your date. You're actually eight months and three weeks pregnant, and your babies are ready to come out." The doctor says.

"What?" I ask.

"We'll start prepping for labor. Would you like an epidural?"

"Please." I nod. They're coming now.

"They're about to be here." Santo smiles, squeezing my hand.

"How did the doctor miss that?" I ask.

"It's actually fairly common, it doesn't happen too much, but you're about the hundredth person it's happened to this year." The doctor laughs.

The nurse starts setting up, Santo looks between my face and my stomach. "Babe, they're almost here." He smiles.

"I know."

"Wow." He touches my stomach. "Wow." He repeats.

"This is how you were with the triplets, I swear."

"It's surprising." He smiles. "Our little babies are almost here."

"They are." I nod. Seeing him this happy makes me happy.

It takes fifteen hours, but they get here, and they're healthy.

Santo cradles Jaden in his arms, looking down at him. "He so small." He smiles.

"So is she." I look down at Ariella-Mae.

"They're both so cute." Santo looks between them, then at me. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smile, yawning afterwards.

Santo lays Jaden in his crib thing, then takes Ariella-Mae, laying her in the crib. He leans down and pecks my lips, "Get some rest before everyone gets here."

"Will you lay with me?" I ask.

"Yeah." He nods, laying down beside me. I lay on his chest.

*Santo's POV*

My babies are finally here. I post it on Twitter, not a picture of them just yet, I don't know if Yn wants me to, she doesn't like the kids being surronded by cameras.

'@SantoThaPlugg: Jayden and Ariella-Mae are officially here. @YnAugust, I love you.'

I look over at my two smallest children, smiling. I'm so happy. "I can hear your heart pounding." Yn laughs.

"I'm excited." I admit.

"I can tell."

"Everyone should be here any time now." I tell her.

"Okay, I'm gonna take a quick nap." She says.

"I love you." I smile.

"I love you, Chres."

-Four Weeks Later- (Sorry for the time jump)

"You're turn." Yn taps my arm.

I groan, unwrapping myself from Yn. I walk to the crib we had in our room on the tour bus, picking up a crying Ariella-Mae. I rock her in my arms, going to make her a bottle.

"Here." I give it to her, holding it up. I sit at the foot of the bed, rocking side to side slightly. Within five minutes, she's asleep. I lay here in the crib, beside Jayden. We couldn't fit two cribs in here.

I get back in bed, wrapping my arms around Yn. "Are you still up?" I whisper.

"Yes." She yawns. "I can't sleep."

Trynna Make It (Yn and Roc Royal Story)Where stories live. Discover now