Date Night Part 2

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This part is gonna be Craig & Nique and Jacob & Nazaria

*Craig's POV*

Nique has had really bad mood swings lately. Just like with Kaden. If you say anything that could be taken the wrong way, run and hide. And pray. "So, are you ready to find out what we are having?" I asked. Nique got excited. "Yeah, but I want a boy since we already have Kaden. I wanted a little Craig running around the house." Nique said. I agreed by saying, "Me too. That would be awesome." Nique giggled. "I think it's twins though." She said. I look at her really fast. "Why do you think that?" I asked. "Cause when I get kicked, it's four. I know we're not having a four-legged baby." Nique explained, cause me to chuckle. I took her hand and kissed it. "That would be fun." I said.

I was taking me and Nique to see her parents. It's my fault Nique got pregnant and got into a fight with her parents. Now they don't talk. I wanna fix it. We are on our second, possibly third, child. And we're engaged. It's time I meet them. I already called her parents and they know we are coming over today. I will fix this.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Nique said, tearing up. She ran to them and hugged them. "I missed you guys so much. I'm so sorry. But I'm a good mom. Craig's a good dad. I don't regret it." Nique said, crying. Her mom was crying too. "We forgive you. We didn't want you to stay away for two years. I wanna meet my grandkids. And be there for them. And you and Craig." Her mom told her. "Can you come to my wedding?" Nique asked. Her mom cried more. "My baby's engaged?" Her mom asked. Nique nods and shows her the ring. Her mom's eyes widened. Well, it was a $50,000 dollar ring.

Her mom hugged me and her dad shook my head. Nique's dad scares me. "I hope you're taking care of my daughter, son." Nique's dad said. I nod. "Yes, sir." I told him. "Torrence." He corrected. I was a little confused. "Don't call me sir. I'm not that old. I'm Torrence and this is my wife, Mindy, Monique's mom." He explained. I made that 'ohh' face. "I'm Craig. The one that's hoping you approve of me marrying your daughter. Do you approve?" I asked. "What would you do if I said 'no'?" He asked. I know this is a test. "I would have to say I'm sorry sir. And I hope one day you will. But, until then, I love Monique and I want to marry her and she feels the same." I told him. He looked serious for a minute then smiled. "I approve." Torrence said. I've never smiled so big in my life. That's a lie. I smiled bigger when Nique said yes, told me she was pregnant with Kaden, had Kaden, told me she was pregnant this time.

We spent a while with her parents and discussed the wedding. Then we had to leave to go home around 9. We had eaten at her parents house.

*Nique POV*

I love Craig so much right now. I never thought I would make up with them. I had no idea he did that. I kissed him. "I love you and thank  you for taking me here." I said before we got in the car. Craig helped me in the car and shut my door before running to the drivers side and getting in. We buckled up and he pulled off. "Craig, thank you so much. You have no idea how much that meant to me." I told him. He smiled. "Hey, what if instead of going home, we go see a movie." I said. Craig agreed and we went to the movies.

"Two tickets to Straight Outta Compton please." Craig said. He handed her a twenty and told her keep the change and we got out tickets. "What snacks do you want?" He asked me, pulling me to the register. "I want a large cherry Icee, milk duds, nachos, pop corn, sour pouch kids, goobers, whoopers, M&M's, a jumbo pickle and gummy bears." I said. He repeated that to the cashier and added what he wanted. We got all the stuff and took our seats in the back. I like being in the dark areas towards the speakers.

The movie was great (I hope it wasn't. I haven't went to see it yet but, it sounds good and I wanna go see it.) Me and Craig shared the snacks, I didn't eat them all. Except the pickle. The pickle was mine. "I'd kiss you right now but I know after everything I just ate that is a horrible idea." I told Craig. He chuckled. We both tore up some nachos though. And I ate a pickle and he ate a hot dog. That's not gonna be very good.

My phone started ringing in the car. It was Santo.

Me- "Hello?"

Santo- *Crying* "Get to the hospital."

Me- *Worried* "What happened?"

Santo- "Something happened to Yn."

Me- "We're on our way. Stay strong Santo. I love you and Yn."

Santo- "Love you too."

Then we hung up. "Craig, we gotta go to the hospital. There's something wrong with Yn." He turn around and got to the hospital in five minutes. And we were twenty minutes away. I almost peed on myself. Craig helped me out the car and we ran in the emergency room. We found Santo and I hugged him. "What happened?" I asked. It took him a minute to find his words. "She, She..."

*Jacob POV*

Me and Nazaria aren't dating but we are really good friends. She doesn't want to be with me and I don't want to be with her. I mean, she's hot but, I like her more as a friend. No, that's a lie, I love her. She just wants to focus on the baby and I get that. But, it's all good.

"So, uh, do you want a girl or a boy?" I asked. Zaria scoffed. What'd I do this time? "Like you care." Zaria said. I looked at her like she was crazy. "Of course I care. It's my baby in there." I said. "No it ain't." Zaria said out of anger. That made me mad. "Look, I know you mad at me. And these hormones going crazy but, don't ever say that again unless it's true." I told her. "I'm sorry, Jacob. I'm sorry. I'm just jealous." Zaria admitted. "And the baby is yours I ain't a hoe." She added. I chuckled a little. "I know but why are you jealous?" I ask.

"Cause, I see how them girls be lookin at you. I wanna be the one that looks at you. The only one." Zaria admitted. I pulled over. "Baby girl, Ion even notice them no more. You the only one I see. I love you. I'm waiting for you to be ready to be mine." I told her, looking in her eyes. She smiled. "Ask me." Zaria said. I smiled. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked. "Yup." She answered.

I pulled off and we went to dinner.

*Zaria POV*

"What can I get for you tonight?" The waitress asked, staring at Jacob. His eyes were glued on me. "I'm thinking a cheese pizza with fries for both of us. And two sprites." Jacob said, not moving his eyes from me. They waitress stopped off and I started laughing. Jacob was confused. "She was so into you and you didn't even notice." I informed him. Jacob shrugged. "Because I'm so into you. And you are finally mine." He told me, causing me to blush.

The waitress came back with her top two buttons undone on her shirt. Hoe. "Here's your food, sir." She said, winking at Jacob. He still didn't look at her. "So, anything else I can get you?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and said, "A new waitress." Causing her to storm off.

"Jacob, thank you for tonight." I said, kissing his cheek. "Of course." He said, smiling at me. We pulled off and drove home. But when we got home, Santo called and told us to go to the hospital. Something happened to Yn. I told Jacob and we got back in the car and speed to the hospital.

So, what's wrong with Yn? I'll give you a hint. There is NOTHING wrong with the baby. Only Yn. I had this wrote out but it got deleted. Sorry. Anyway, it's a three day weekend, so, I am gonna update again. You want me to skip the next part of date night and go straight to what happened to Yn? I could do flash backs of the dates in the next one. VOTE/COMMENT please. Ay, an also go check out Emalee1723 and ChrisK4 books. They have a bunch of reads but I really like their books and I figured you guys might like them too.

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