Reunited Friends

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I sit back stage, waiting for Santo to finish his part of the show. I cheer him on from the sidelines, the kids were waiting with the guards in the dressing room. The concert was too loud for them, but I had to be here to cheer my baby on.

"Thank you guys! Get ready for Rihanna!" He yells into the mic, running off stage afterwards.

"Come on, babe. I need a shower or something." He takes a towel, wiping his face to rid the sweat.

I peck his lips when the sweats gone. "You did amazing, love." I smile.

"Thank you."

He wraps his arm around my shoulder, and we walk to the dressing room. On the way, I hear a family voice. "I work here, sir." The voice says to the guard.

"You aren't on the employee list." A deeper voice replies.

"I was just hired two days ago. My name is Stormy, it might be down as Smoke." She tells him.

"It's not there ma'am." The deep voice replies.

I waddle my way over there. The voice and name sounds familiar. "Baby, what are you doing?" Santo asks.

"Going to see what they're doing." I answer.

"Quit being nosey. You can't be stressed." He tries to stop me.

I continue walking until I get to them. "Oh my gosh, Smoke!" I cheer.

"Yn!" She cheers back.

"What happened to you, girl? I haven't seen you since middle school. You disappeared on me." I frown.

"Yeah, I came home one day, mama had all our stuff packed and we left, I had no idea it was going to happen." She says.

"I missed you." I tear up. These stupid hormones.

"I missed you too, girl." She smiles.

I hug her, trying my hardest not to cry. "Mrs. August, Ms. Stormy is not on the list."

"I'll make sure she gets added, she's with us." I tell the guard, pulling away from the hug, wiping my eyes.

"Alrighty then." He nods with a smile, walking off.

"Come on, baby. You gotta go sit down." Santo grabs my hand.

"Come on, Smoke, unless you have somewhere to be."

"I actually do have something to do, but I'm a part of the crew so I'll be on the tour with you guys. But we can exchange numbers."

"Wonderful, here ya' go." I hand her my phone. "And I'll make sure you're on the list by tomorrow."

We exchange numbers, then head our separate ways. I'll definitely have to talk to her, she was like my sister.

"Who was that?"

"My friend I told you about in middle school. I was really upset because she moved and I didn't have her number."

"Oh." He nods.

(Smoke will be more in the story later.)

I sit on the couch, holding my stomach. "Oh, babe it hurts." I gasp.

"How bad?" Santo asks.

I feel another sharp pain. "Oh, bad, really bad."

"I'll call an ambulance." He grabs his phone.

"No, it's passing. I'm okay." I slowly let go of the arm of the couch.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." I nod.

On the tour bus, seven hours later, in the middle of my sleep, at five in the morning. There is another pain, that was much worse. "Ow! Santo!" I yell, grabbing his shirt.

"What's wrong?" He shoots up, checking around. He looks at me, his eyes trailing down to my stomach.

"It hurts." I cry.

"Hospital?" He asks.

"You have to be in the next state by nine." I disagree, wincing afterwards.

"Sweetheart, I love you, and respect every decision you make. But we're going to the hospital." He stands up leaving the room.

"Alright, Jacob is coming to our room to keep an eye on the kids. Come on." He scoops me up. We were staying in a hotel.

"How are we gonna get there?" I ask, wincing again.

"We have our car, remember, we've been towing it." He reminds me.

"Oh." I nod. "Wait, I have to pee."

"Hurry." He looks at me, walking into the bathroom. He sits me down on my feet.

I finish my business and wash my hands, then Santo picks me up bridal style.

"I had Criag run downstairs and get the car, he's bringing it to the front, he already has the GPS set on the hospital." He tells me.

"Okay." I breathe.

"Its gonna be okay." He looks down at me, seeing how worried I am.

"What if they're premature?" I ask.

"It's only five weeks, love. There is a very big chance they'll be just fine." He explains, putting me in the passenger seat of the car, helping me buckle up.

"What if they're not?" I ask quietly.

"They'll be okay. The most that'll happen is that they'll be in the hospital a little longer than normal, but we don't even know if you're having them tonight."

"Okay." I nod.

Sorry it was so short. But, what do you think, will she have the babies? Or is it something else? Stormy(Smoke) is played by cake_up_ She will be more in the story later on. Sorry for such the long wait to add your character, thank you for being patient. Thanks for reading, check out Under The Bridge please. I will have a better update(And a longer one) up soon. Vote/comment, please leave some feedback.


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