Wedding Planning

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*Yn POV*

I woke up because Prehia was jumping on the bed. She was giggling like crazy. Chres kept saying that he was gonna tickle her. She kept jumping and he started tickling her. She was screaming with joy and laughing. It was so cute. "Are you gonna stop?" He asked in a baby voice. "Yeah." She said. Her voice is naturally a baby voice so, that's all she talks in.

Chres stopped tickling her and she stood up and started jumping. "Prehia, mommy's gon get you." He said. He smiled at me as she continued jumping. I sat up and started tickling her. She did the same thing she did when Chres tickled her. I stopped. She kept giggling. Then she stood up and kept jumping. Me and Chres looked at each other and then got on our knees on the bed and jumped with her. She was having so much fun.

After we finished jumping we went down stairs and put Prehia in her high chair. I made breakfast for the whole house. I made eggs, bacon, pancakes and sausages. I know Lolo is gonna sing that song. After everything was done I had Chres set the table then I gave Prehia a pancake and some eggs with apple juice in her sippy cup.

I called everyone down. Just like I thought Lolo said "I start it off y'all keep it going, eggs, bacon, grits," Then Ray, Jacob, Craig and Chres said "Sausage." "I don't know that girl but she wants my," Lolo continued. "Sausage." Everyone finished. Prehia thought it was funny and was giggling at how loud they got. "They're crazy huh, Prehia?" I asked in my baby voice. She giggled more.

At breakfast I called my mom to tell her the news. She came over to help us start planning. She insisted on paying for everything. I tried to tell her I would but she said she's a billionaire and it's a tradition for the brides parents to pay. Eventually, I agreed to let her.

She said first off we have to know when and where we wanna get married. Chres said "As soon as we can." But she needed around what date. His birthday is July 23rd and Prehia's is August 1st, so it can't be them days. "What about July 27th?" I suggested. The looked at me. "It is between you and Prehia's birthday's and it will still be nice outside." I explained. "That gives us a month to plan." I added.

They agreed and we started looking for a place. Apparently my mom is a wedding planner. She does stuff in fashion too. "I wanna get married in a church." I stated. Chres smiled. "I wanna get married in a church, too." He agreed. Then we looked for a church.

It took two hours to find a church and then my mom called to confirm the 27th of July. Luckily, they had no weddings that day. The wedding is gonna be at noon.

Once it was confirmed we were looking at colors. "I defiantly want blue." I stated. Blue is my favorite color. "We need one more color then." She said. I looked at Chres and he said "Black." Then we smiled at each other. "My dress is still gon be white though cause I am pure and I have remained faithful the entire relationship." I said. Chres put his arm around me and smiled. My mom made a dress appointment for my dress and the bridesmaid dresses.

I picked Lolo to be the maid of honor and my other close friends, Kiara, Tina, Tiara and Monique. Kiara is the same height as me. She is skinny but not stick figure skinny. She is a nice person. She's light-skinned. Tina is the same height as me. She's got more than bone but she not big. She's got dark skin. She's nice unless you get on her bad side. Monique is tall and skinny. She can be sweet and proper then ratchet and rude in a second if she has too. Tiara has two sides. One side is nice and funny and that's the side you wanna be on. The other side is mean. She is a little taller than me and chunky. Not trynna be rude, she even calls herself that. She's not though. She only weighs like 120 pounds. She's probably 5 feet so, that's actually healthy. I had to call them first. I called Monique first and put it on speaker.

(Phone Convo)

Monique- "Hay, gurl."

Yn- "Hay, gurl."

Monique- "We sound ratchet."

Yn- *Laughs* "Well, let's talk normal then."

Monique- "Okay. So, why you call?"

Yn- "Guess."

Monique- "You got knocked up."

Yn- "No, girl, we ain't done that yet."

Monique- *Laughs* "Then what?"

Yn- "Me and Chres is getting married."

Monique- *Squeals* "Yay, finally."

Yn- *Laughs* "I want you to be a bridesmaid."

Monique- *Squeals again* "Okay."

Yn- "Well, we all meeting at Starbucks on third in LA then we going dress shopping."

Monique- "I be there then."

Yn- "Okay, love ya."

Monique- "Love ya too."

We hung and I called the other girls. Pretty much the same thing happened. My mom left around 9 pm. We convinced her to stay for dinner. Tomorrow we have dress shopping and the boys gotta go get tuxes or suits. The next day we gotta pick the food, cake, flowers, center pieces, decorations. We got like a week of planning to do. Me and Chres were gonna by a flower girl dress for Prehia tomorrow after dress shopping. The stores for dresses and suits/tuxes are the same store. There is like four floors to it though.

Me and Chres were giving Prehia a bath. She loves to splash. She giggles each time. Once we got done we put her pajamas on and once we laid her down she fell right asleep. Then me and Chres took a shower. Yes, together, but just a shower nothing else. I got dressed in my tweetie bird tank top and pajamas shorts. Chres was wearing red basketball shorts. His muscles. I love his eight-pack it's so perfect. Chres chuckled. "Thanks." He said. I looked at him confused. "I love his eight-pack it's so perfect." Chres said trying to sound like me. I blushed. "One, I don't sound like that and two, I didn't realize I said that out loud." I said.

Chres just chuckled again. "Okay." He said. We laid down and cuddled, with my head on his chest and his arms around me. "I love you." Chres said. "I love you too." I told him. "Are you excited?" He asked. I smiled. "I'm a little bit of everything good and nervous." I said. "What?" He asked. I laughed. "I'm happy and excited and nervous." I explained. "I get happy and excited but nervous?" He said. I looked up at him. "Cause, things could go wrong. And the stuff that happens after you get married." I said, whispering the last part.

"The only affect of that is you getting pregnant, which won't be bad, we already got one kid." He said. "Not the affect." I said. He laughed. "Then what about it?" Chres asked. I thought for a minute. "Well, what if it hurts really bad?" I asked. He smiled. "It won't hurt that bad." He said. After ten minutes of talking I gave up. "Fine, if you say so." I said. I laid my head back on his chest. Then we fell asleep.

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