Too Busy

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"Mommy." I hear Ariella ask from beside the bed.

I quickly get up. "What's wrong?"

"I scared." She pouts, ready to cry.

I pick her up, laying on the pillows. She lays on my chest, holding me tightly.

At five in the morning, Santo wakes me up. He has to leave early for some meetings. I was helping him get ready.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"My back hurts." I admit. Immediately, I feel his hands on my back. He rubs with the right amount of pressure and I sigh in content. "Thank you."

I help Santo get ready after my back rub.

"What time will you be home?" I ask him.

"I have to hit the studio, so around eight tonight." He answers. He has interviews, meetings and recording to do today. He also has rehearsals.

"Oh." I sigh.

"Mama, don't be sad." He kisses me.

"Call me whenever you have the chance." I ask.

"Yeah. Can you drop off the baby stuff at the house? I talked to the guys, the girls are supposed to be gone today." He tells me.

"Yeah, I'll take it over there after I drop the kids off at school." I nod.

"Alright. I have to go. I love you. Be careful." He kisses me again.

"I love you too. Be careful." I peck his lips a few times. I give him a kiss before he has to leave. Then I have to get the kids up and ready for school. He had told all of them he loves them and to have a good day and be good. They all fell back asleep.


I groan, pulling into the driveway. The girls' cars were there, meaning so were they. Yn, all you have to do is get the guys to come out and help you unload it. Then you can leave.

"Mama, we get out?" Mae asks.

"Yes." I nod, cutting the car off and getting them out. I have them all carry a small bag into the house.

I grab a big bag, following the kids to the porch. I ring the doorbell, and Lolo pulls the door open. "Craig!"

He jogs downstairs and greets me with a smile. "Same room its always been."

I lead the kids upstairs, dropping it off in the room. Nique was in the bed, her face softens when she sees me.

"Yn." She sighs. I pretend I didn't hear her and wait for the kids to put bags on the bed, then we go downstairs. Craig, Jacob and Ray were carrying some of the heavier things upstairs. I get more of the bags and the kids sit on the couch, talking to their cousins.

"Yn." Nique calls, standing up.

I go back downstairs to get the last bag, which Craig was carrying up stairs.

"Can you make lunch for us?" Craig asks. "We ain't had your cooking in so long."

I laugh and nod, heading to the kitchen. I decide to make grilled cheese. Nique stands in the kitchen, trying to talk to me.

I just continue cooking, giving her short answers only. "Can you stop being mad?" She asks.

"We moved so the kids wouldn't be in harm's way. We moved to protect you guys, your children. And it made you angry." I snap.

"It was Lolo that talked everyone into it. She said you thought you were better than us."

"No! If I could have stayed I would have." I roll my eyes. "And I can't help that I went into labor on the tour, I wasn't due until we got back."

Trynna Make It (Yn and Roc Royal Story)Where stories live. Discover now