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*Yn POV*

"Baby, wake up." I heard. It was Chres. It was noon and I looked at Chres and smacked him. "Really? You gon pretend nothing happened last night? I saw the pictures." I yelled. He sighed. "Baby, listen, I-" he started but I smacked him and yelled "Don't 'baby listen' me. You cheated on me. Am I not good enough for the Santo August. Well, I was good enough before the money! So, go find some rich bitch to marry, since you don't want me any more!" I started packing all my stuff.

He kept trying to talk, but I don't wanna hear it. Everyone was watching and listening to us. But I really don't care. I packed bags for the kids and put everything in the car. I buckled all the kids up then went to get in the car.

Chres grabbed my arm. "Yn, baby please don't leave me. It was a mistake. I'm sorry. I love you." He pleaded, tears flowing down. I looked in his eyes. He was telling the truth. "Chres, I love you too. But I think we should take a break for a few days so you can figure out what you want. I'll be back with the kids in a week." I said before getting in the car and pulling off. Chres watched me drive away. I would have went to King and Amore's house but they were out of town, so, I went to Rihanna and Chris' house.

Rihanna opened the door and the kids ran to play with baby Royalty and Rihanna hugged me as Chris brought everything in. "We saw the pictures. It'll be okay." She assured me. I wiped my eyes and we went in the house. I took Altereak out of his car seat and fed him. Then Rihanna took him from me. "So, what's happening with you and Chres?" She asked.

I told her how we are taking a break for a week and she said for me to stay with them. I agreed to and we went and set up a guest room for me. All the kids ran in and Royalty started talking to Rihanna and Chris. "Mommy, I want a baby sister." Royalty said and Rihanna looked at Chris and smiled. Chris smiled and nodded. Then Rihanna said "Well, I don't know if it is a brother or a sister yet, but you're gonna be a big sister in seven months." Royalty jumped up and down and clapped and hugged them.

"Pringle, I'm gonna be like you!" Then they were both jumping up and down. I hugged Chris and Rihanna. "Congratulations guys." I told them. Then me and Rihanna looked at each other and started jumping up and down saying "We're both pregnant." Chris thought we were stupid and laughing at us.

"Wait, how far are you?" I asked. She held up two fingers and said "Almost three months." I smiled. "They are gonna be like less than a month apart, I'm three months and a week." I said. Then we both started jumping again.

Jacob came over and as soon as he hugged me, I told him everything. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, Lolo kicked his butt." Jacob said. The kids were in the room. I laughed. "It actually does." I admitted. We both laughed. "Well, I should head home." Jacob said. I pouted. "Can you stay?" I asked. He makes me laugh and it feels like it use to before all the problems and the fame. He nods and comes and sits next to me.

I put my head on his shoulder. It was only six o'clock, so the only kid that was sleepy was Altereak. Prehia, CJ, Trey, and Aaliyah, were playing with Royalty. We were all in the living room except Chris and Rihanna, I said I would watch Royalty while they ran some errands. I decided to make dinner so, I made taco's.

Right after they got done, Chris and Rihanna came home. They said Jacob can stay the night if he wants since it is already eight o'clock. After dinner, I cleaned up the kitchen and took the kids upstairs to get ready for bed. I had brought a bassinet for Altereak and all the other kids are gonna sleep in the bed with me and Jacob. I couldn't sleep, so, once again, I got on twitter.

There were about a million notifications of people mentioning me. The first from Chres saying "@HoneyItsYn, I love you and the kids. You keep ignoring my calls, texts and everything. I'm so sorry baby, I love you. Please forgive me. It's only been a day and it already feels like my heart has been ripped out. I love you and I'm sorry, please come home." Everyone was commenting saying 'what happened' or 'are y'all still together'.

Lolo made a post saying "@HoneyItsYn, don't worry booboo I kicked his ass. Lil bitch think he cheat without getting his ass whooped, better think again. You don't hurt my boo and get away with it." I favorited it and commented "@LoLopez thanks bae, hope u didn't hurt him too bad though, he is still my husband and the father of our six kids." I just realized how many kids we have. I'm 18 and he's 19 and we have six kids. But, it don't bother me, I just don't wanna do it alone.

I made my own tweet saying "Okay, I'm just gonna say it, yes, i saw all them posts and yes, it did hurt me to see that he cheated on me. But we married young and if he doesn't love me the same way anymore, I love him enough to let him go. I'm not gonna force him to stay with me, that would make me, him and all the kids miserable. I'm just afraid of raising six kids on my own. If a divorce is what will make him happy, then I will do it. I still love him but, if he's not happy with me anymore, I'm not gonna make him stay with me. This was a long message but, it's how I feel. There was alot of confusion so I just wanted to clear it up. @SantoThaPlugg it's up to you. Now you know my feelings."

As soon as I posted it, people commented. I didn't read all of them but the ones I did read, were encouraging saying everything will work out and be okay. I tweeted them saying thank you and I hope it will. Then I went to sleep.

Vote/comment. Let me know what you think is gonna happen. If you have character questions, inbox me or comment who they are too and the questions. I would prefer that you comment them because my inbox is dumb and sometimes it screws up and I don't see the messages.

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