Yn's Birthday

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-Two weeks later-

Today is my birthday. The best thing happened. My depression is gone. I stopped cutting and Chres stuck to his promise. He stayed by my side. Chres said he was taking me out for my birthday so, he got Lolo and Monique and the guys to watch all the kids. Monique moved in and is now almost four months pregnant. Her and Craig are finally dating. Ray and Lolo are together, have been for almost five months. He stopped cheating on her. Jacob says he is gonna stay single so he can do what he wants. He’s a player though. I always thought Ray would be the one that could be tied down but, Lolo got him whipped.

(A/N So, I had this part wrote but, it got deleted and I have absolutely no idea what I wrote. I'm rewriting it so, it might not be that good.)

"You ready babe?" Chres asked. He is taking me to dinner. I put in my gold hoop earrings, the little ones not them big ones. "Yup." I said. I stood up and walked to him. He held his hand out so, I took it and he twirled me around. "You look beautiful." He told me. I smiled. I was wearing a tight black dress with short sleeves, it went down to my knees. A diamond necklace, black pumps three gold bracelets and of course, my wedding ring. I left my hair naturally curly and was only wearing eye liner, mascara and lip gloss. "You look handsome." I told him. He does. He was wearing black jeans, a dark blue dress shirt, Nike's and his gold chain. He smiled. I love his smile.

We pulled to a fancy restaurant and walked in. He told the lady we had reservations. She showed us to our table and we ordered. When the food got there we were talking about random things. "So, I have a surprise." He said. I smiled. "What is it?" I asked. He pointed behind me. I turned around and there was my uncle Wayne. I haven't seen him in months. He took the family business back over once he got his knee fixed but, he said one day it is going to us. I ran to him and attacked him with the biggest hug ever. He stayed for an hour before we all left. "So, figured you deserved the night of and got everyone to agree to watch the kids all night and we are staying at a hotel." Chres said. I smiled and kissed him. "Thank you, baby, you really are amazing." I told him. He smiled, showing his fangs. "You're amazing." He said.

We pulled up to this big hotel. He once again had reservations. We were on the top floor, the eighteenth. As soon as he closed the door, I dropped my bags. I went over to him and jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He was surprised but dropped his bags and used his arms to support me as he walked us over to the bed.

"Thank you for tonight." I said as he kissed on my neck. He started kissing and sucking on my sweet spot and I moaned, causing him to smile against my skin. He kept on doing what he was. I flipped us over and started kissing his neck. "You're welcome." He said, a little out of breath. I started to grind while I was straddling him and continued to kiss his neck. He moaned a little and I smirked. After five minutes he flipped us over and took the control back. Then stuff happened.

*Chres POV*

I woke up with Yn's head on my chest. All the events from last night flooded back into my memory. I couldn't help but smile. It was three in the afternoon. I got up to do my hygiene but let Yn sleep. She looked so peaceful and it was a long night. I got dressed in red basketball shorts and black wife-beater. When I wen back to the room part, Yn was up. "Good morning beautiful." I told her. She smiled. "Good morning handsome." She said back. She went to get up but fell down. I smirked. "Help me up?" She asked. I pretended to think. "Ion think I wanna." I said. She pouted. "Please, come help you wife up so she can take a bath." She said. I chuckled and picked her up bridal style.

She took a bath and I was on my phone. Ray texted me.

Ray- How was it?

Chres- Great

Ray- You not gon tell your own brother

Chres- Nah

Ray- You know Yn gon tell Lo then she gone tell me

Chres- I ain't trynna get in trouble with Yn

Ray- How you gon get in trouble

Chres- She gon say that what happens behind closed doors is supposed to stay there.

Ray- True

Chres- Ik

Ray- She is for real gon tell Lo tho n then u gon tell me

Chres- Ik all y'all gon kno by tmrw, Yn, Lo and Nique got big mouths

Ray- They do

Chres- Here come my wifey

Ray- Have fun here come Lo

Chres- Good luck

I locked my phone and put it up. Yn went to sit next me but, I grabbed her and sat her on my lap. "So, did you have fun?" I asked. "Yup." She answered. "What was you favorite "Everything." She said, winking at me. I smiled. "Baby, what time do we have to leave?" She asked. "Tomorrow at 11." I said. She smiled. "Can we watch movies and eat ice cream and cuddle all day?" She asked. I nod. We went and bought ice cream then went back to the hotel room. We cuddled all day. We watched a lot of movies. We had pizza for dinner and Yn fell asleep at 11 pm. I took her picture and posted it cause she looked so cute. The caption was "My beautiful Wife. I love you baby. And all four of our kids." I tagged her in it. Then fell asleep.

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