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Sorry for the wait. I will do four back to back updates. When do you guys want the next update? An hour? Tomorrow?

"CJ, we have to go!" I yell upstairs.

"Okay, I'm coming!" He yells back.

"Are you sure you can watch all of them, Kylie?" I ask Kylie, who was sitting on the couch, watching cartoons with the kids.

"Of course, you guys take him to the appointment. They're always good, it won't be a problem." She smiles, nodding.

"Alright, call me if you need anything. Be good for Aunt Kylie."

"We will, mommy." The kids say in unison.

Chres and I kiss their foreheads, telling them goodbye and we love them.

CJ gets downstairs and tells everyone he'll see them later and he loves them, then we have to go. CJ has another appointment today, Chres and I are both going with him.

"Mama, why do we have to go?" CJ asks from the backseat.

"Because we need to it. It'll be fun though, and afterwards we can get some ice cream." I answer with a smile, turning to look at him. Chres was driving today.

"I don't want to." He frowns.

"We'll get ice cream and pizza and we'll play football." I smile. "It's a mommy, daddy and CJ day."

"Then why do I have to talk to Ms. Kelsi?"

"Because she'll tell us some fun things we could do on mommy, daddy and CJ day." I answer, trying to convince him. I don't want him to feel like there is something wrong with him. He's perfect, nothing his wrong with him. I just want him to know how to control his anger so he doesn't end up in big trouble when he gets older.

"Okay." He shrugs, looking away from me and out of the window.

I turn back around in my seat, taking Santo's hand in mine. I use my free hand and change the song on the radio. I cut it up a little louder. "Did you ever think we'd be here? Ten, almost eleven kids. You're rapping, get ready for a world tour. We have a nice home, a pitbull puppy."

"I was hoping we'd get here." Santo shrugs. "This is what I wanted, I just never thought I'd actually be here."

"But you did it, babe." I smile.

"For you." He tells me.


"You and the kids. I didn't want them growing up in Compton, they would've been in jail or killed, no matter how hard we tried to raise them right. They could've still been in the wrong place at the wrong time and gotten hurt. I didn't want that."

"Me either." I agree.

"Mama, what time is it?" CJ asks from the backseat.

"Almost two, why?" I ask him, looking at him through the mirror. He just shrugs.


"Stop, Santo." I laugh, running from him.

"Why?" He smiles, coming closer.

"CJ, help mama." I look over him.

He laughs and runs to my side, standing in front of my legs. "Help me and I'll give you a dollar." Santo tells him.

"Five dollars?" CJ asks.

"Fine." Santo nods.

"Okay." CJ walks over to him.

Trynna Make It (Yn and Roc Royal Story)Where stories live. Discover now