On Tour

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*Chres POV*

We are all chilling on the tour bus. This tour is only two months and the first show is tomorrow in ATL. Yn is more excited that anyone.

"Baby!" Yn yelled from our room on the tour bus. I stood up and walked in there. "Yes baby?" I asked. She smiled and told me to take picture with her. I sat down next to her on the bed and we took pictures.

After we finished taking pictures, she said "aww" and did something on her phone then my phone went off. It was a post from imstagram. Yn tagged me in the pictures we took saying, "Me and my perfect wonderful husband. I love you so much. :* SantoThaPlugg." I liked it and made my own post.

I posted a picture of the kids and us. I tagged her in it and the caption was "These five are my world. My wife and our four kids. I love you so much baby. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be where I am today. HoneyItsYn I love you baby girl :* ;)"

After I posted it, I kissed her passionately. After five minutes, I pulled away and rested my forehead against Yn's. "You know I love you, right?" I asked. She nods. "You know I love you, right?" She asked back. I bit my lip and nodded. Yn smiled at me before asking, "How long til we ATL?" I thought for a minute. "Two days." I answered, finally. Yn sighed. "So, I'm stuck with yo big head two days?" She asked sarcastically. I pretended to be hurt and said "I gotchu." Then her phone started ringing. She put it on speaker before answering.

Yn- "Hello?"

???- "Is this Yn?"

Yn- "Yes, who is this?"

???- "Gina."

Chresanto- *rolls eyes*

Yn- *holds hand up telling him to stop* "So, what made you call?"

Chresanto- *poking Yn's side*

Yn- *trying not to laugh*

Gina- "I'm having another son in two months. Do you want him? Cause I don't."

Chresanto- *rolls eyes mad that Gina could say that.* "Yes, we want him."

Gina- "Good think of a name. I couldn't care less what it is. Call me when you find one. You get him straight after birth. Everything is set up y'all just need y'all's lawyer."

Chresanto- "Okay."

Then she hung up. I sat down and put my elbows on my knees and face in my hands. I groaned and Yn sat next to me and rubbed my back. "Baby, it'll be okay." She told me, laying her head on my shoulder. "I know. It's just, I can't believe she keeps having baby's like it's nothing. Then turning around and giving them away like she don't care about them. We lost our baby. I want it. But we can't have it. And she can but has the nerve to call and tell us she don't care about it." I explained. Yn kept rubbing my back. "It's okay baby. I love you. You love me. We both love our kids. Your mom is different. But we can do this. It's okay." She reassured me.

I turned and laid my head on her shoulder, hugging her tight. "I love you, Yn." I told her. She patted my back. "I know." She whispered. I pulled back and looked at her. "I'm kidding. I love you too."

Sorry it's short. But on the bright side, my computer got fixed so, the updates will be longer and way better and interesting.

Trynna Make It (Yn and Roc Royal Story)Where stories live. Discover now