This Can't Be Good

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"Leave town. Bring the kids with you and leave town. As soon as you can. Monti X is on the look out for you. Y'all killed one of his guys, he's beyond pissed, get out of town now. Stay low key, no electronics, nothing fancy, go. I love you all. Love, Wayne"

I starred at the text from my uncle while everyone packed frantically. Monti X is one of the biggest Drug Lords in California. I'm not worried about him, I don't want to lose one of my babies over this dumb shit though.

"Baby, hurry and pack." Santo said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I nod and continue packing. I got my stuff then helped Santo with the kid's things. We got the majority of it and loaded everything in the vans. We have three full size vans, two were full with belongings and each had two people. The other had the rest of the people and bags.

All this bull shit has to happen a week after we get Niya? Really? That's messed up. She doesn't deserve this. None of the kids deserve this. Nicki, Wayne, Chris, Rihanna, Michael and Kylie, don't deserve this. We haven't even found my aunt yet, I bet she has something to do with this.

We got on the private plan after loading all the stuff up. "Alright, count em' off kids. Prehia start." I said loudly. The counted down the line and once we were sure we had every one, we told the pilot to go. The kids were running around, have a blast. It's a pretty big plane.

"Santo, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked when the kids were all napping and the other adults were also napping. He nods. We walked in the back and sat on the couch, closing the door. I looked at Santo with tears in my eyes. "Santo, we can't live with them anymore. I've been thinking about this for a while. Just here me out, please?" I started. Santo nods.

"We can't keep bringing them in our bullshit. They have kids too, they're pregnant. Everything is going by so fast now, I know. But if something happens to their kids because of us, they'll hate us. We don't need to be completely done with them, but we cannot keep bringing them into all this stupid shit." I said. Santo thinks for a while before speaking.

"You're right, baby. We can't keep bringing them in this. They would hate us if something happened. We'll look for a house of our own." Santo told me. I smiled then started crying.

"What if something happens to our kids, Santo? My babies." I cried. Santo hugged me and kissed my lips, wiping my tears. "Baby girl, don't worry. I won't let anything happen to them or you. I swear." He whispered, hugging me tight. He rocked back and forth. "Let's bring them back here with us and we'll all take a nap." Santo said. I smile and nod.

We carried our kids back here with us and laid a bed in the floor. All the kids got up there, on top of me and Santo. We had laid them beside us, but I guess they rather sleep on us, not that we mind. I looked at Santo and smiled. He whispered, "I love you, baby." as he covered us up with the kids. I moved closer with Az and Altereak on my chest, and laid my head on Santo. Prehia was laying on the other side of him, in his arm, Trey was laying with his head on my stomach, Aaliyah was in between me and Santo and Niya was sleeping in my other arm. We do have a lot of kids. I love them all.

I woke up to Az crying for a bottle. Altereak was doing the same. I sighed and got up, holding them and carrying them with me to the kitchen area. Zaria was in there talking to Nique, they were both facing away from me. "Did you see them back there taking a nap?" Zaria asked. Nique nods. "They're are a cute family, I hope me and Craig can be like that." Nique answered.

"I don't wanna be like that. That's the best thing they've ever done for those kids. All they think about is sex, they're horrible parents." Zaria said. Nique straightened her back up and faced Zaria. "Look, bitch, you may be my cousin, but Yn's my sister. Don't you talk about her like that again or your head will get busted. Don't talk about her like that when she's nothing but nice to you. Stupid ass bitch." Nique spat at her. I smiled, she takes up for me all the time.

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